All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wvit1001 on 04 04, 23, 02:26:15:PM

Title: DeSantis Watched Screaming GITMO Detainee Torture, "Laughed" & "Smiled
Post by: wvit1001 on 04 04, 23, 02:26:15:PM
In a distressing video interview with a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was called out for standing by and laughing as the prisoner was strapped down and force fed by military personnel, an act that wrongfully-detained Mansoor Adayfi, detainee #441, says amounted to torture.

Adayfi was a Yemeni researcher in Afghanistan, sold to the CIA by Afghan warlords gaming the US's policy for capturing prisoners during the "War on Terror". A policy which proved to be greatly flawed and widely condemned.   He was tortured in Afghanistan before being transported to Guantanamo Bay.

Adayfi was 18 when he was brought to Guantanamo, where he was held for over 14 years under the notorious conditions at the prison in Cuba which has become synonymous with torture and a lack of rule of law or due process for detainees.

“One of them was a young handsome officer… we told him why we were on hunger strike” to improve living conditions.  Less than two months later the staff at Guantanamo began “using force feeding as a means of torture.”

In the interview with Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now!, Adayfi described the encounter.

During the feeding a group of officers arrived… and I saw one of them was Ron DeSantis, in a military uniform.  And while I was screaming, yelling because I couldn’t breathe…I was bleeding because they really inserted a thick tube through my nose.  I was calling them, I was asking, and he was actually laughing and looking at the other officers and smiling.