All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: sine-qua-non on 04 03, 23, 01:41:14:PM

Title: Polls EXPLODE Higher For 45th President Ahead of Arrest
Post by: sine-qua-non on 04 03, 23, 01:41:14:PM
Trump Indictment Backfires on Desperate Deep State as Polls EXPLODE Higher For 45th President Ahead of Arrest

the Manhattan Democrat DA’s indictment of former President Donald Trump is backfiring big time as new polls show even more Americans want to vote for Trump than before the indictment was announced.

Hahahahahahaha DemoncRats shoot themselves in the foot because of their hate for Americans and the American way !

Shun them everyday, every way to save the country ( (

Title: Re: Polls EXPLODE Higher For 45th President Ahead of Arrest
Post by: chuck_curtis on 04 03, 23, 01:43:26:PM
The commies are just continuing to validate all the things Trump is campaigning to fix.

Title: Re: Polls EXPLODE Higher For 45th President Ahead of Arrest
Post by: gwboolean on 04 03, 23, 01:51:06:PM
Why then you inbred Republican N Word commies should be celebrating his pending arrest!  You inbred Republican N Word commies are all panicking right now. (

Title: Re: Polls EXPLODE Higher For 45th President Ahead of Arrest
Post by: chuck_curtis on 04 03, 23, 01:55:08:PM
Youse commies are doing all the celebrating for us.

Title: Re: Polls EXPLODE Higher For 45th President Ahead of Arrest
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 02:55:49:PM ( (

Bragg is too far left for Soros!

Title: Re: Polls EXPLODE Higher For 45th President Ahead of Arrest
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 09:37:23:PM
I didn't think that was possible!

Title: Re: Polls EXPLODE Higher For 45th President Ahead of Arrest
Post by: D2D on 04 04, 23, 02:56:21:PM
Democrats will use any means necessary to end thought!