All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 04 03, 23, 08:21:27:AM

Title: New attack on Trump
Post by: lakitss on 04 03, 23, 08:21:27:AM
Rumor has it Bragg and his nazi's want to impose a gag order on Trump to prevent his from campaigning.

Which just emphasizes the intent all along to silence him any way possible.

The law isn't even a consideration as the statute of limitations expired long ago; it's about silencing a leading candidate they want gone.

Democrats are communist trash.

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: warrenpees on 04 03, 23, 10:03:37:AM
Get some details before you whine, batshit lunatic.

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 10:38:59:AM
I fully expect Bragg to want Trump to be denied bail!

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: Truman62 on 04 03, 23, 10:40:15:AM
Wow just like how Gov Abbutt will seize Voter Registration Cards from Democratic Districts, then give them back after the election...

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: lakitss on 04 03, 23, 10:41:59:AM
Democrats should not be allowed to vote, and the situation in America is proof.

They're fucking idiots.

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 10:43:52:AM
The Democrat party's vaunted elite believes every American is their slave!

Their words and actions prove it so!

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: gwboolean on 04 03, 23, 10:48:16:AM
Poor inbred Republican N Word monkeys.  Things just aren't falling into place with your culture war against America. 

Your rage over Putin's Pussy going to jail is very entertaining.  Everyone loves watching you inbred Republican N Word monkey losers and your Dear Leader, Putin's Pussy, going down the shitter! (

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: Truman62 on 04 03, 23, 10:50:07:AM
MAGA Trumpers should not be allowed to vote, and the 1+ million dead Americans are proof.

They're lying, greedy, far-right, biased idiots.

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 10:52:54:AM
Democrats like Truman and bool the fool will surrender all for just a few free trinkets, beads, and baubles!

That is how little they value their freedom!

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: chuck_curtis on 04 03, 23, 11:12:40:AM
Tell Bragg to make sure he puts on the handcuffs and does a mugshot too.

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 11:16:28:AM
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is really making a name for himself on a national level, likely much to his eventual regret. After convincing a grand jury to bring preposterous charges against Donald Trump, Bragg had to find something to keep himself busy until Tuesday, and a New York garage attendant named Moussa Diarra offered him that opportunity.

Diarra was working the overnight shift yesterday when he spotted Charles Rhodie rooting around the garage with a bag, apparently attempting to steal some of the tools and equipment in the garage. Diarra confronted Rhodie and demanded to inspect the bag.

Instead of complying, Rhodie pulled a gun from the bag and shot Diarra twice, once in the stomach, with the second shot grazing his head. Despite his injuries, Diarra wrested the gun away from Rhodie and shot him in return.

So what did Bragg do about it? Obviously, he charged the garage attendant with attempted murder ( (NY Post) (

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: gwboolean on 04 03, 23, 11:33:05:AM
You poor inbred Republican N Word monkeys appear to be enraged that Putin's Pussy will now have to pay for some of his crimes against America. 

Just so you know, we aren't after Putin's Pussy Commie Curtis.  We are really after you!  Youse commies aren't faring well these days. (

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: Truman62 on 04 03, 23, 11:59:59:AM
MORE biased BS from DvD and Chuck.

Can they be anymore irrelevant?

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 12:12:47:PM
Truman insists facts and evidence are "more biased BS"!

Bragg is a corrupt scumbag!

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: sine-qua-non on 04 03, 23, 01:45:59:PM
the Manhattan Democrat DA’s indictment of former President Donald Trump is backfiring big time as new polls ( even more Americans want to vote for Trump than before the indictment was announced.


Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: gwboolean on 04 03, 23, 01:48:08:PM
Dildo insists that his biased BS are facts and evidence.

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 02:56:51:PM ( (

Bragg is too far left for Soros!

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 09:42:36:PM
Never expected that to happen!

Title: Re: New attack on Trump
Post by: D2D on 04 04, 23, 02:54:29:PM
Democrats live to hate!