All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Truman62 on 04 02, 23, 01:43:19:PM

Title: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: Truman62 on 04 02, 23, 01:43:19:PM
A jury convicted a far-right influencer known as "Ricky Vaughn" in a federal court in New York on Friday for a plot to deprive Hillary Clinton supporters of their ability to vote in the 2016 presidential election.

Vaugh — whose real name is Douglass Mackey — was convicted on one count of "conspiracy against rights," according to court documents. He faces up to 10 years in prison.

Prosecutors accused Mackey of conspiring with other people to post "disinformation relevant to the impending 2016 presidential election" on social media, often in the form of "memes," according to a criminal complaint seen by Insider.

As the 2016 presidential election approached, Mackey and his co-conspirators created posts on various social media sites that encouraged people to vote for their preferred candidate by posting a specific hashtag on Twitter or Facebook or by texting the candidate's first name to a specific phone number, the document states.

According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), in November 2016, Mackey — who had tweeted about limiting the amount of "black turnout" in the election — posted a photo of a Black woman in front of an "African Americans for Hillary" sign that read "Avoid the Line. Vote from Home," "Text 'Hillary' to 59925." On or around election day in 2016, at least 4,900 telephone numbers texted "Hillary" to the 59925 text number, the DOJ said.

"Mackey and his co-conspirators variously discussed aspects of these memes, including their content, their formatting and the timing of their release, and expressed a desire that the memes would influence the behavior of those who saw them," the complaint says.

MAGA-Trumpers are ALWAYS trying
to deny people their right to vote!

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: darkflower on 04 02, 23, 01:55:00:PM
you are bragging about that? it is total bs. jail for dumb memes. first deplatforming, then attacking finances, now prison, for speech. what next? this is shameful.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: Truman62 on 04 02, 23, 02:15:52:PM
So YOU Would have no problem with memes saying YOU are a Pedophile?

THAT is Free Speech for you...

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: sine-qua-non on 04 02, 23, 02:35:18:PM
This is just another miscarriage of Justice by the DemoncRats weaponized DOJ !

Hillary made the same joke herself but with REAL crimes under her belt, is some how still free !

Amazing Two tiered system isn’t it ? (

Meanwhile, DemoncRats are actually trying to deny Americans their right to vote for the front runner candidate Trump by election interference with a case everyone knows they can’t win !

Title: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: Dan on 04 02, 23, 04:39:07:PM
Where are the thousands of Far-Left TDS Conspiracy rioters CONVICTED in Fed Court following the 2020 Floyd/BLM/Anteefa riots?

Oh that's right, we live in a two-tiered justice system, where leftists are given a free pass.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 23, 08:12:29:PM
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: gwboolean on 04 02, 23, 08:24:20:PM
Sooner or later, all of the inbred Republican N Word traitors will end up in jail where they all belong.  Sooner would be a lot better than later.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 23, 08:27:44:PM
Be careful what you ask for!

You are a true believer just like the brown shirts!

Do you know what happened to the brown shirts?

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: gwboolean on 04 02, 23, 08:37:42:PM
Do you know what happened to the brown shirts?

Yes Dense Dildo, I most certainly do.  Exactly the same thing that is going to happen to all of you inbred Republican N Word minions, after Putin's Pussy and the Republican N Word Commie party take over.  Once they don't need you anymore, you will cease to exist. (

Fortunately that is not going to happen because Americans are taking their country and culture back. 


Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: darkflower on 04 02, 23, 09:33:19:PM
a meme saying someone is a pedophile is in fact protected from any jail and can oly be sued in ciivilo court ONLY if you an show the person knew it was false, as libel/slander.

yes, free speech does suck sometimes, thats freedom for you, and is the real price of freedom. you dont pay for freedom on a far way war, you pay for it in your daily life with all the ways it can inconvenience you or even harm as is the case with criminals who sometimes get to hurt you bc we errr on freedom side to avoid a police/security distopia. which we have wound up with thanks to the patriot act and ensorship both severely attacking our freedom and libertyy iin the name of security.

those who sacrifice essential liberty in exchange for security deserve neither. benjamin franklin.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: gwboolean on 04 02, 23, 10:06:05:PM
Nothing is protected from you inbred Republican N Word monkeys.  But it damn soon will be. 

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: Truman62 on 04 02, 23, 10:31:49:PM
yes, gun freedom does suck sometimes, thats freedom for you, and is the real price of freedom.

Tell THAT to the victims of gun violence that the GOP is so proud of.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: darkflower on 04 02, 23, 11:50:17:PM
why stop with them? there are many victims of crime which an authoritarian police state could claim to have saved, if only we'd give up those pesky freedoms. are they any less deserving?

and as i keep saying, you co,plain about gun violence while atg the very same time promote gun violence in ukrainre, enthusiastically, funding it.  and that is not about freedom or self defense, that is about wanton promotion of violence and funding it with enough money to solve homelessness 5 times over. all to make the weapons industy even richer. raytheon has a board member as bidens sec of def, btw. raytheon.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: Local5th on 04 03, 23, 06:49:08:AM
The double standard is proven again

And the politcal weaponization couldn’t be more blatant and shameless. Take for example, Ms. Wong, a left-wing activist who was not hunted down by the DOJ and was not arrested by the FBI for dressing up like a MAGA supporter and telling Trump supporters to “text by phone.”

Ms. Wong, unlike Douglass Mackey, who simply shared a meme somebody else made, is not facing up to 10 years in federal prison.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 10:35:47:AM
Democrats are at war with the US Constitution!

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: Truman62 on 04 03, 23, 10:36:19:AM
Go to your local Prosecutor and point that out to them, Local!

Go on DO IT!

Ukraine is a WAR, Dark.  War by its very nature is violent.
I abhor the whole thing, and WISH they would just talk it out,
but Putin is insistant and unreasonable.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: darkflower on 04 03, 23, 06:35:14:PM
they were talking it out and were close to a deal just 2 monthes into war but uk's pm flew to keiv and told zelinski to stop, no deal. and more recently blinken has condemned the china attempt to get a deal made and said the usa would not accept any deal. and the usa pushed russia into it on purpose and in fact a neocon think tank in 2019 said to do exactly that, threaten putin into invading and sitting in a guagmire.

moreover, what the media is saying are outight lies. putin for instance never wanted all ukraine, he wantd the parts full of mostly ethnic russians, ie the crimea and rhe east-donbas, bc the rest ofukraine mistreats them and has been bombing the donbas since 2014 with weapons from the usa and increased that bombing before the invasion. ad that was in violation of a 2014 deal, the minsk accords, in which ukraine promised to stop that and allow donbas to be partly independant, their own part of ukraine that would stillbe a part but would be able to have their own cuklture and do their own thing. ukraine agree un 2014 but has never lived up to it and been fighting ever since.

putin, before the invasion, made 2 demands. 1, honor the minsk accord. and 2, stay out of nato. bc nato was and is a threat he could not allow rto officially have ukraine.

more historu, usa pushed a coup in 2014 that ousted a neutral president and replaced him with a western puppet. and bragged about doing so on cspan at the time.

and the usa bombed the nordstream when it looked like russia was going to leverage its gas to get the eu to back a peace deal. the bombing, an internaional crme btw, shut that deal down.

this entire thing is a usa provoked and maintained proxy war.

it is not enough to say you hate war, you have to stand against your own govt when it chooses to make war. as usa has done time nd time again since ww2. over and over. usa did not HAVE to go to war with iraq, afghanistan, libya, syria, nor the proxy war in ukraine. it chose to every time and with lies every time too.

putin even now is open to talks and has been talking with china who is trying to mediate. zelinski will also have to flee ukraine if he does make a deal ssince he will be dead man walking in the eyes of he asov, who WILL kill him. they have already killed one member of his staff and they run a kill list on the internet that targets annyione inany country they dislike, even journalists here in the usa.

Title: Re: Far-Right MAGA Conspiracy Theorist CONVICTED in Fed Court!
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 08:35:01:PM
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.