All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: zsq987 on 03 26, 23, 10:41:30:PM

Title: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Said..
Post by: zsq987 on 03 26, 23, 10:41:30:PM
...that she NEVER had an affair with President Trump and sent a signed letter to that effect which is on file.

The Fires of Hell reflect off their faces as they know they are surely headed there!!!


Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 27, 23, 02:04:25:AM
Democrat will never accept that!

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: Jw2 on 03 27, 23, 02:16:56:AM

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 27, 23, 03:38:55:PM

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: gwboolean on 03 27, 23, 03:41:20:PM
That must be humiliating to Putin's Pussy and you inbred Republican N Word monkeys that you are all going to be destroyed by that porn start, a convicted felon/disbarred lawyer. 

Life sure is a bitch for you inbred Republican N Word monkeys. (

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 27, 23, 03:44:34:PM

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 27, 23, 03:45:43:PM
she said she had sex once with tiny didn't she?   

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 27, 23, 04:02:30:PM

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: chuck_curtis on 03 27, 23, 04:05:17:PM

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 27, 23, 04:06:38:PM
she didn't say whether fellatio was involved or not zippydoodlydan.

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: chuck_curtis on 03 27, 23, 04:20:21:PM
That's right.  She didn't.  She didn't say that or any other thing you can speculate about.

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 27, 23, 04:31:56:PM
CCPWvit continues to prove his ignorance!

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 27, 23, 04:34:51:PM
Daniels addressed the 2018 letter again on March 24, in a tweet responding to someone who commented on a March 23 post from Posobiec, who had also posted the letter on Twitter.

“This is the statement Cohen wrote,” she tweeted, referring to Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney, whom Trump previously acknowledged reimbursing for making the 2016 payment to Daniels.

“It is old news from early 2018 before I came forward. I think it’s HYSTERICAL that tiny is trying to spin this as some kind of new information,” she wrote, with “tiny” being a derogatory reference to Trump.

Daniels has previously described the alleged sexual encounter with Trump in 2006, including in her 2018 book, “Full Disclosure.”

In another March 24 tweet, Daniels included a photo from page 226 of that book, where she wrote about the “complete bullshit” statement she signed.

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: chuck_curtis on 03 27, 23, 04:43:34:PM
And Cohen signed her name there, too?  No one said it was new information, but it is signed, sealed, and delivered, unlike all the other stuff.

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 27, 23, 04:45:51:PM
is that what she said chuck?   

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: chuck_curtis on 03 27, 23, 04:49:57:PM
Well, she supposedly said he wrote it.    She wrote it when she signed it.

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: zsq987 on 03 27, 23, 04:50:33:PM
WITLESS101 (;u=119)


Posts: I am a JERK!!

Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa (« Reply #9 on: Today at 04:06:38 PM »( (;topic=321276.0;num_replies=14)

she didn't say whether fellatio was involved or not zippydoodlydan.

According to BJ Clinton, fellatio is not sex.


Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 27, 23, 05:01:45:PM

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 28, 23, 04:02:05:PM
She made bad choices!

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: Jw2 on 03 29, 23, 10:35:14:AM

Evelyn was 9, police said. While her family appreciates all the love and support they’ve received, they’re asking for space as they grieve, according to a family statement obtained by CNN affiliate KMOV.

“Our hearts are completely broken. We cannot believe this has happened,” the statement said. “Evelyn was a shining light in this world.”

Gun violence recently surpassed car accidents as the leading cause of death for American children.Dec 14, 2022

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 29, 23, 11:55:47:AM
A group of Arizona GOP state lawmakers has called for the immediate firing of Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs’ press secretary over a tweet invoking gun violence against “transphobes.”

Hobbs spokeswoman Josselyn Berry posted the offending tweet on Monday, just hours after Audrey Hale, who was transgender, shot and killed three adults and three children inside a Nashville Christian elementary school.

The tweet included a GIF from the 1980 movie “Gloria,” showing a woman brandishing two handguns.

“Us when we see transphobes,” Berry captioned the image in the tweet.

“Less than 12 hours after the tragic shooting in Nashville by a deranged transgender activist [Hobbs’] Press Secretary calls for shooting people Democrats disagree with,” the Arizona Freedom Caucus tweeted on Tuesday.

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 29, 23, 04:46:14:PM
A so-called “professor” at Wayne State University in Michigan has been suspended for telling woke protesters that they should consider it a legitimate form of protest to murder people with whom they disagree.

The president of Wayne State, M. Roy Wilson, released a statement Monday saying that English professor Steven Shaviro has been suspended with pay after writing that he thinks it is OK to kill political opponents.

Shaviro, who describes himself in his Twitter bio as “sex-negative” and a “Kitsch Marxist,” has taught “Introduction to Film” courses at Wayne State since 2021.

“Although I do not advocate violating federal and state criminal codes, I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down,” Shaviro’s post says.

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: Jw2 on 03 30, 23, 08:05:42:AM

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 30, 23, 01:50:38:PM
Seems Jw2 believes he lost the argument!

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 30, 23, 09:08:45:PM
Democrats insist making America a prison will end crime but cannot cite one prison where no crime has ever been committed!

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: Truman62 on 03 30, 23, 09:11:20:PM
GOP is the one that wants to create an American Police State!

GOP is the one putting criminals in jail and throwing away the key!
ALL that did was make better criminals, when they got out.

GOP THINKS it knows best, but their policies cause suffering and death.

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 30, 23, 09:47:09:PM
Democrats insist making America a prison will end crime but cannot cite one prison where no crime has ever been committed!

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 03 31, 23, 03:15:18:PM
Democrats believe you don't need prisons if you make the whole of America a prison!

Democrats believe equity is treating every American except for the Democrat Party's vaunted elite like convicted felons!

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: Jw2 on 04 01, 23, 03:34:12:AM
 An adult movie star has more credibility than Donald J. Trump...

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: takncarabizniz on 04 01, 23, 03:49:53:AM
she didn't say whether fellatio was involved or not zippydoodlydan.

Well, everyone knows that Bill Clinton forever changed the definition of "sexual relations", didn't he?
A blow job doesn't count as sex, according to him, neither does the old Cubano in the cooter, so if Stormy Daniels gave the Donald a sloppy slurpy it's not an affair, right?

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 04 01, 23, 02:55:50:PM
Jw2 doesn't care about any kids and posts the picture of this one not to lament her passing but to boast about the trophy taken!

Having one less Christian alive makes Jw2 very happy!

Jw2 views Christians as Nazis deserving of nothing but death!

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 04 01, 23, 08:09:08:PM

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 23, 09:10:18:PM
Democrats will accept and repeat any lie if it gains them power over others!

Title: Re: Porn Star Who Hired A Convicted Felon Lawyer & Disbarred Lawyer Sa
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 08:39:40:PM
An adult movie star has more credibility than Donald J. Trump...
Says the person with no credibility!