All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: zsq987 on 03 26, 23, 09:45:04:PM

Title: Trans-Reality
Post by: zsq987 on 03 26, 23, 09:45:04:PM
How REAL is THIS? ? ?


Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: zsq987 on 03 26, 23, 09:46:22:PM
Sad, but true.


Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 03 26, 23, 09:49:13:PM
Sad and true!

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: gwboolean on 03 26, 23, 09:57:02:PM
Seeing you inbred Republican N Word perverts will soon be receiving the rewards you so justly deserve your little pathetic and sick gay musings are merely amusing. (

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 03 26, 23, 10:09:54:PM

What would that be?

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: zsq987 on 03 26, 23, 10:51:16:PM
GWBOOGER says that Trans-people are Gay!!

I'd bet that many Trannies wouldn't be happy to hear that!!!

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 03 28, 23, 02:18:24:AM
No answer as expected!

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 03 28, 23, 03:35:33:PM
Transgendered people need psychological help in accepting who and what they are!

Democrats seek to make matters worse!

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 03 29, 23, 01:59:02:AM
Why do Democrats want more mentally ill people?

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 03 29, 23, 04:39:00:PM
A so-called “professor” at Wayne State University in Michigan has been suspended for telling woke protesters that they should consider it a legitimate form of protest to murder people with whom they disagree.

The president of Wayne State, M. Roy Wilson, released a statement Monday saying that English professor Steven Shaviro has been suspended with pay after writing that he thinks it is OK to kill political opponents.

Shaviro, who describes himself in his Twitter bio as “sex negative” and a “Kitsch Marxist,” has taught “Introduction to Film” courses at Wayne State since 2021.

“Although I do not advocate violating federal and state criminal codes, I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down,” Shaviro’s post says. (

A group of Arizona GOP state lawmakers has called for the immediate firing of Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs’ press secretary over a tweet invoking gun violence against “transphobes.”

Hobbs spokeswoman Josselyn Berry posted the offending tweet on Monday, just hours after Audrey Hale, who was transgender, shot and killed three adults and three children inside a Nashville Christian elementary school.

The tweet included a GIF from the 1980 movie “Gloria,” showing a woman brandishing two handguns.

“Us when we see transphobes,” Berry captioned the image in the tweet.

“Less than 12 hours after the tragic shooting in Nashville by a deranged transgender activist [Hobbs’] Press Secretary calls for shooting people Democrats disagree with,” the Arizona Freedom Caucus tweeted on Tuesday. (

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: Jw2 on 03 30, 23, 08:21:02:AM

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 03 30, 23, 01:39:31:PM
Defeated Jw2 is desperate to change the subject!


There was a time when criminals were murdering people in NY subways with screwdrivers!

Should the response have been to ban screwdrivers?

Democrats insisted if you wanted to use the NY subways that is the risk you take and did nothing!

Democrats trained her to hate Christians and she acted on that hatred!

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 03 30, 23, 09:54:56:PM
Democrats insist making America a prison will end crime but cannot cite one prison where no crime has ever been committed!

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 03 31, 23, 03:27:16:PM
Democrats believe you don't need prisons if you make the whole of America a prison!

Democrats believe equity is treating every American except for the Democrat Party's vaunted elite like convicted felons!

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 04 01, 23, 04:08:08:PM
A Democrat gunned 6 innocent children and adults down solely because they were Christians!


Because Democrats claim all Christians are Nazis!

Democrats have a lot of innocent blood on their hands!

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: wvit1001 on 04 01, 23, 04:57:12:PM
so what do you want to do about all these people using assault type rifles to gun down kids and innocent people zippydoodle?   you didn't say. 

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 04 01, 23, 06:23:59:PM
That is a lie!


Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 23, 09:00:29:PM
Democrats believe you don't need prisons if you make the whole of America a prison!

Democrats believe equity is treating every American except for the Democrat Party's vaunted elite like convicted felons!

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 04 03, 23, 09:50:38:PM

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: takncarabizniz on 04 04, 23, 03:46:46:AM
This nation continues to poison itself with the acceptance of mental illness as normal.  It's also why we've gone soft on criminals, allow the drug addled to wander in the streets, and send children back to their abusive parents.

The nation is lost.

Title: Re: Trans-Reality
Post by: D2D on 04 04, 23, 02:53:18:PM
Democrats have been working hard to destroy America since 1865!