All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 02 16, 23, 09:25:22:AM

Title: Alaska dad confronts school board...
Post by: lakitss on 02 16, 23, 09:25:22:AM
...regarding the trash kids are being subjected to, while liberals defend this brainwashing.

WTF is wrong with these sick freaks?

KIDS. Not young adults or teenagers. KIDS.

This has to stop. I fear a school shooting will not target children but these so called "educators" and it would not surprise me as the tension has been building.

When our youth, our offspring are targets all bets are off. Game over.

Title: Re: Alaska dad confronts school board...
Post by: Dan on 02 16, 23, 12:53:46:PM
The Anchorage School Board is a lost cause.  The members are all bought and paid for by the powerful teacher’s union.  They even brought in a 20-something far left wokester to be the School District Superintendent.

Title: Re: Alaska dad confronts school board...
Post by: D2D on 02 16, 23, 01:54:57:PM
Their policies will drive students to home schooling or private schools1

Title: Re: Alaska dad confronts school board...
Post by: Dan on 02 16, 23, 01:59:08:PM
Hopefully.  Children don’t stand a chance at learning in the Anchorage school district.

Title: Re: Alaska dad confronts school board...
Post by: D2D on 02 16, 23, 02:00:32:PM
Why does the left want uneducated adults?

Title: Re: Alaska dad confronts school board...
Post by: D2D on 02 17, 23, 01:08:17:PM
Democrats are the anti-education party!