All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Truman62 on 02 15, 23, 12:34:45:AM

Title: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 15, 23, 12:34:45:AM
Why don't today's kids want to join the military?

NOT for the reasons they seem to think. 
A new poll explains it, and it's VERY simple.
They prefer living to dying.

Wow, imagine that?


Republicans have insulted the U.S. military over the issue. Last month, Donald Trump claimed that
“we have a woke military that can’t fight or win,” while last year Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) whined
that the military is “more interested in pronouns than winning wars.”

Yet in the new poll, just 5% named “wokeness” as a reason for not enlisting. The much bigger rea-
sons include fear of injury or death, post-traumatic stress disorder, leaving friends and family, and
putting life on hold.

Title: GOP and Trump Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 15, 23, 01:47:17:AM
Because it’s been corrupted by the left.  Why do you ask?

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 15, 23, 01:50:23:AM
They prefer living to dying.

So did the WW2 volunteers.  Are you saying this generation are more cowardly?  Or they have been taught to believe this country is not worth fighting for?

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: chuck_curtis on 02 15, 23, 02:16:53:AM
Obviously, the wokers don't get it, nor do they give a fark.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 15, 23, 02:38:21:AM
When young people are taught by left wing wokester teachers that America is an oppressive racist nation, why be surprised they are not lining up to join the military to defend America?

Why would they fight to defend a nation they were taught to hate!

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: lakitss on 02 15, 23, 09:07:03:AM
Dan is 100% correct and Truman is a turd throwing troll moron.

I did 20 years in the Army and am SO glad I'm not in today.

Liberals trash everything they touch because they think identity is more important than character.

Look at Biden's clusterfuck of a cabinet for proof. Trannies, gays, lezzies and other fruitcakes wallowing in incompetence while thios nation crumbles from a lack of qualified actors.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: zsq987 on 02 15, 23, 09:28:35:AM
Military Men are very willing to serve with Real Men and Fully Capable Real Women.

Real Men DO NOT want to serve with FAGGOTS and LEZZIES and TRANNIES and NON-BINIES and people that CANNOT figure
    out what sex they are!!!!!!!!!

Real Men want to serve with people that are STRONG and SELF-CONFIDENT and FULLY CAPABLE in ANY & ALL SITUATIONS!!!

Real Men DO NOT want to serve with WIMPS and PUZZIES and WEIRDOS!!!

THAT is WHY the current the Military is having trouble getting volunteers, PERIOD!!!!!

Dem-Commies and LibTards and Homos have destroyed the capability of our Military!!!!!

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 15, 23, 10:48:53:AM
Once again, the MAGA-Trumpers here are STUCK on stupid.

The poll told us EXACTLY why young folks don;t want to join the military,
he MAGA-Trumpers totally ignored what they had to say.

Conclusion: MAGA-Trumpers DON'T listen to anyone but their inner opinions,
which are totally wrong, most of the time.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: lakitss on 02 15, 23, 10:57:52:AM
Your lies are an indicator of your character of which you are void.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: lakitss on 02 15, 23, 11:00:12:AM
Your lies are an indicator of your character of which you are void.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 15, 23, 11:07:21:AM
What lies?

I'm just telling you what the poll said.

You MAGA-Trumpers are the ones insisting that only YOUR opinions matter.

If anyone here is lying, it's you guys, NOT me.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 15, 23, 01:15:21:PM
Once again, the MAGA-Trumpers here are STUCK on stupid.

The poll told us EXACTLY why young folks don;t want to join the military,
he MAGA-Trumpers totally ignored what they had to say.

Conclusion: MAGA-Trumpers DON'T listen to anyone but their inner opinions,
which are totally wrong, most of the time.

So you don’t want to address any of our points?  You don’t want to argue your position at all?  All you are willing to do is make personal attacks?

Alright then.  In the absence of any credible counterpoint, I have no choice but to assume my opinion is correct.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 15, 23, 01:20:48:PM
Death, injury, separation from family have always been a part of military service.  That’s not new.  So what is the real reason for the decline in recruitment and retention?  Welsher62 doesn’t want to discuss that.  Why were past servicemen willing to accept those consequences, but today’s generation is not?  Are they more cowardly?  More lazy?  Or not motivated to serve a nation they were taught to hate?  What’s the reason for this change in attitude, Welsher62?

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 15, 23, 01:34:53:PM
The much bigger reasons include fear of injury or death,
post-traumatic stress disorder,
leaving friends and family, and
putting life on hold.

I think the fear of death is a pretty good one, Dan.
Throw in the fear of a catostrophic injury from an IED
and they would pretty well seal the deal for me, but
then I'm an old man, who likes my mobility these days.

I've heard PTSD is NOT fun, and considering that the
GOP hates to address mental illness, anyone who has
it is going to have to live with it in a GOP society.

Leaving friends and family or life on hold is pretty paltry
if you ask me.
When I was that age, I wanted tog et out and experience
things, not sit at home.  That's why I went to an out of
state University.  That's why I travel a lot.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 15, 23, 01:40:29:PM
The much bigger reasons include fear of injury or death

Why does today’s generation fear that more than past generations?

I think the fear of death is a pretty good one, Dan.

Past generations faced that fear as well.  What’s changed?

Leaving friends and family or life on hold is pretty paltry if you ask me.

Past past generations faced that as well.  What’s changed?

When I was that age, I wanted tog et out and experience things, not sit at home.

What’s changed?  Why does today’s generation want to sit at home and not experience things?

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: D2D on 02 15, 23, 01:46:59:PM
Wow, Truman never read the actual article Silverman, a comedian, quoted!

All the article ever does is quote the army and never links to the actual survey or the questions asked of the 600 respondents!

It is just another example of lazy fake journalism!

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 15, 23, 01:48:50:PM
I don't know Dan.  Why don't you have some of your people go out and ask them?

I'm wondering why so many MAGA-Trumpers are so willing to kill Americans, when
we have so many enemies abroad that they could kill instead.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 15, 23, 01:52:07:PM
According to the article:

Many young people do not know anyone in the Army and are unfamiliar with the jobs or benefits it offers. Fink said trust in government institutions, including the military, has declined, particularly among this group.

“They just don’t perceive the Army as being in touch with the modern, everyday culture that they’re used to,” he said.

Fink said about 10% in the surveys say they do not trust military leadership, based on the way recent events or missions have been handled. That could include the Afghanistan withdrawal or use of the military during racial unrest and protests in the United States.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: D2D on 02 15, 23, 01:54:01:PM
Why don't you read the articles you mindlessly quote with a questioning eye?

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 15, 23, 01:54:26:PM
I don't know Dan.

That’s the most honest thing you’ve said.

I'm wondering why so many Patriotic conservatives are so willing to kill Americans
I’m wondering why the sun rises in the west.  (

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 15, 23, 01:59:27:PM
trust in government institutions, including the military, has declined, particularly among this group.

“They just don’t perceive the Army as being in touch with the modern, everyday culture that they’re used to,” he said.

So ... They’ve been taught to hate America, and they don’t want to join an institution that is “woke,” that are in opposition to their own values.

It looks like my opinion was spot on.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: zsq987 on 02 15, 23, 02:29:23:PM
Once again...

Normal People DO NOT want to be with FAGGOTS and LEZZIES and TRANNIES and NON-BINIES!!!

The MORE the Govt tries to FORCE Normal People to be with WEIRDOS, the MORE Normal People WILL resist it!!!

That is a FACT OF LIFE!!!!

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 15, 23, 05:10:21:PM
The MORE the MAGA-Trumpers try to FORCE Normal People into a Totalitarian Government, the MORE Normal People WILL resist it!!!

That is a FACT OF LIFE!!!!

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 15, 23, 08:21:26:PM
The more Normal People try to force Normal People ...

That makes no sense, welsher62.

[/HIGHLIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]into a Totalitarian Government,

Ummm, no.  They are trying to PREVENT the radical libs from doing that.

It’s you libs who are promoting totalitarian government.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Jw2 on 02 17, 23, 09:01:05:AM
After 9/11, anchoragedan was all hot and bothered about taking the fight to the Islamofascists.

While still of military service age, and in the great physical shape he claims, failed to enlist at the time.

Leaving the fighting for his cause to others.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: D2D on 02 17, 23, 12:27:42:PM
Jw2 again makes up facts that don't exist!

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 17, 23, 01:02:30:PM
After 9/11, Dan supported taking the fight to the Islamofascists.

Yep!  And the child raper opposed it.  In fact, child raper denied Islamofascism even exists, child raper.

While still of military service age, 36 years old...

I worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from 1983-1984 at King Khalid Military Base, Saudi Arabia, child raper.

and in the great physical shape he claims

I made no such claim.  You inferred it, child raper.

failed to enlist at the time.

I never said I didn’t enlist, child raper.

Have you enlisted to fight the war you support in Ukraine, child raper?

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: D2D on 02 17, 23, 01:58:12:PM
Jw2 the Ukrainians are in desperate need of fighters!



Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 17, 23, 02:01:53:PM
Child raper is a Putin puppet for not joining the fight in Ukraine.

Child raper claims to be in great physical shape, planning to cycle 3,000 miles in one year.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 17, 23, 03:24:30:PM
YES, DvD and Dan should VOLUNTEER with the Ukrainians!

They really don't care WHAT age you are.

Go on, fly over to Poland, and cross that Border!

Cross that Border!
Cross that Border!
Cross that Border!
Cross that Border!
Cross that Border!
Cross that Border!
Cross that Border!
Cross that Border!
then FIGHT!

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 17, 23, 03:25:21:PM
Oh wait, would THAT make you illegals?  (

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 17, 23, 03:35:47:PM
YES, Child raper Jw2 should VOLUNTEER with the Ukrainians!

Yep.  After all, he is in favor of going to war for Ukraine, welsher62.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 17, 23, 03:36:39:PM
Oh wait, would THAT make child raper Jw2 an illegal


Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Truman62 on 02 17, 23, 09:42:29:PM
There goes Dan DENYING reality and changing what I types AGAIN!

What a scared little girl Dan is.  Can't handle the truth.  NOPE.

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: zsq987 on 02 17, 23, 09:57:31:PM
WHY can't our Military attract more Real Male Volunteers to protect America?

Military Men are very willing to serve with Real Men and Fully Capable Real Women.

Real Men DO NOT want to serve with FAGGOTS and LEZZIES and TRANNIES and NON-BINIES and people that CANNOT figure
    out what sex they are!!!!!!!!!

Real Men want to serve with people that are STRONG and SELF-CONFIDENT and FULLY CAPABLE in ANY & ALL SITUATIONS!!!

Real Men DO NOT want to serve with WIMPS and PUZZIES and WEIRDOS!!!

THAT is WHY the current the Military is having trouble getting volunteers, PERIOD!!!!!

Dem-Commies and LibTards and Homos have destroyed the capability of our Military!!!!!

Title: Re: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!
Post by: Dan on 02 17, 23, 10:52:13:PM
Welsher62 said:
There goes Dan DENYING my LIES AGAIN!

Yeah.  So?