All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 01 31, 22, 01:28:51:PM

Title: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: Jim on 01 31, 22, 01:28:51:PM
Coming Soon
From Dinesh D'Souza

Movie Trailer: 2000 Mules  (Ballot stuffing)


Title: Re: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: wvit1001 on 01 31, 22, 02:04:35:PM

Title: Re: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: wvit1001 on 01 31, 22, 02:15:12:PM

Title: Re: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: sine-qua-non on 01 31, 22, 03:23:28:PM
Hahahaha all zippy has are his stupid ridiculous memes

All that reality has are audits and depositions of eye witnesses as proof of a DemoncRat coup on the American people that even CCP compromised traitor Cho Biden admitted!

And now Dinesh has even more proof !

Title: Re: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 01 31, 22, 03:27:50:PM
How is it that thousands of "mail-in" ballots show up in the middle of the night that ONLY have votes cast for Biden and reverse
    the lead held by Trump? ? ? ? ?   (Happened in 3 swing States!!)

Title: Re: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: Jim on 01 31, 22, 04:49:37:PM
How is it that thousands of "mail-in" ballots show up in the middle of the night
Must be that 24hr Mail Delivery service they have.  Right?

Title: Re: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: D2D on 02 01, 22, 09:23:49:PM
Democrats cannot win without cheating!

Title: Re: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: D2D on 02 02, 22, 09:54:54:PM
Democrats admit it is so!

Title: Re: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: omiaqt on 02 02, 22, 09:59:56:PM
For the sake of argument....what would Americans say/do, if it were revelled, dem did if fact create thousands of ballots and seeded them where needed?

Title: Re: So, you don't think the election was stolen? Think again
Post by: D2D on 02 02, 22, 10:04:50:PM
A great question!

It would result in a political quagmire never before seen in American history!

At best it would result in transparent and well regulated elections!

At worst nothing would change and elections would only get more corrupt as time passes!