All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wvit1001 on 12 07, 21, 08:53:59:PM

Title: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous behavior
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 07, 21, 08:53:59:PM
Republicans are headed for a knock-down drag-out primary May 24 in Georgia, where Gov. Brian Kemp – who last year resisted President Donald Trump’s pressure to overturn his state’s win for Democrat Joe Biden – has just learned he’ll be facing off against Trump ally David Perdue, who lost his Senate seat this year in part because Trump's lawyers said the election was rigged and urged Republicans not to vote.

Republicans are bitterly split over whether Trump is a force for good or evil in their party, whether he should have been impeached once, twice or never, whether his role in the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol attack should be investigated in full or glossed over as a nothingburger, whether he should run in 2024 and even whether he won the last election, as he still falsely insists he did.

And with Trump setting the tone, Republican disarray is like World Wrestling Entertainment, except meaner, with less alliteration and more potential for real-life harm.

It's Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert joking about a Muslim colleague being a “jihad squad” terrorist, South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace criticizing Boebert, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calling Mace “trash” and saying she and Trump think Mace should be primaried, and Mace responding: "All I can say about Marjorie Taylor Greene is bless her f------ heart."

A Republican governor does one basic thing – uphold Biden’s victory in a state Biden won – and his reward is abuse and a primary opponent recruited by Trump. Thirteen House Republicans do one constructive thing – vote for a bipartisan infrastructure bill – and get branded as traitors who should lose their committee seats and face primary challenges. Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar posts an anime video of himself killing New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacking President Biden, and only two Republicans vote to censure him. A few days after the Michigan school shooting, Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie posts a Christmas card of his family brandishing guns, draws critiques from all sides and tries to get a conservative libertarian editor fired.

Give me the Democrats’ brand of disarray any day of the week. The prime source of it is their endless haggling (aka negotiating) over the length and costs and timing of programs that most of them support – paid family leave; universal pre-K; Medicare that covers hearing, dental and vision benefits; a stronger home health care system; and more affordable college, child care and health coverage. 

But consider this: If Biden were more like Trump, he’d be sponsoring a primary opponent to West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who wants to preserve the filibuster and has been trying to shrink and delay the “Build Back Better” family and climate package for months.

On the other hand, they’ve known each other for a long time, and Biden named Manchin’s well-qualified wife, Gayle, as federal co-chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission. Manchin is still at the negotiating table with Democrats on several issues, and ultimately I can’t see him deep-sixing a bill so crucial to Biden’s success. It’s nearly as unimaginable as Biden orchestrating an intraparty primary like the one Trump ignited on Monday.

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: chuck_curtis on 12 07, 21, 08:57:15:PM
Hahahaha.  Actually, Trump is the overwhelmingly popular and unifying choice for party leader, so it doesn't much matter if he runs for president again, or not.

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 07, 21, 08:59:03:PM
well that's not true chuck.   Why do you feel you need to lie about stuff like you do?

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: chuck_curtis on 12 07, 21, 09:00:18:PM
And what's more, commies can't do anything about that.  :)  In fact, what they have been doing makes his support stronger.

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 07, 21, 09:05:16:PM
and that's not true either.   trump's support is waning quickly.   

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: chuck_curtis on 12 07, 21, 10:23:56:PM
The proof is commies continuing to talk about Trump and go after him.  If he was not a grave roadblock, that would be a waste of time, and stupid.

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 07, 21, 10:29:20:PM
well he is saying he's campaigning for president.   don't you think that's something to talk about chuck?

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: zsq987 on 12 07, 21, 10:36:01:PM
There is no problem.

President Trump's supporters are loyal and always will be.

His behavior is perfectly fine and is well accepted by Normal People.

Leftists/Libs and Dem-Commies don't like him because he kicks their butts in every way possible and smiles while he does it.

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: chuck_curtis on 12 07, 21, 10:38:15:PM
Actually, Trump is true to his supporters and fights like a dog for us.  And that's why is has overwhelming popularity in the party.

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 07, 21, 11:31:14:PM
Heard a new poll out today that Trump would win handily over Xiden if the election were today

CCP Compromised Cho Xiden just keeps getting more and more unpopular. Many honest DemoncRats are having buyers remorse

and it hasn’t even been a year yet.  (

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: Truman62 on 12 07, 21, 11:35:59:PM
Trump and the GOP can't win without cheating!

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 07, 21, 11:38:23:PM
But they lost without cheating you silly twit.

Guess who is in the WH now (

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: fun n games on 12 08, 21, 04:05:40:AM
That's true tRump lost without cheating, but after he lost he tried to change that lost into a win.  Now tRump is showing all the voters what an ass he is.

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: August West on 12 08, 21, 08:27:17:AM
Actually, Trump is true to his supporters and fights like a dog for us.  And that's why is has overwhelming popularity in the party.
We saw Trump walk with his supporters to the MAGA riot. Sucker!(

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 08, 21, 10:33:45:AM
That’s right Xiden admitted he had to cheat to win

Now-he in is showing everyone what a stupid as he is !

New poll says voters prefer Trump over CCP compromised Cho Xiden

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 08, 21, 11:35:31:AM

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 08, 21, 01:09:51:PM
New poll says voters prefer Trump over CCP compromised Cho Xiden (

CCP compromised traitor Cho Xiden just keeps making Trump look better & better (

Title: Re: Republicans imploding over Trump loyalty tests and outrageous beha
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 08, 21, 01:11:49:PM
what poll zippy?