All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wvit1001 on 12 07, 21, 11:22:37:AM

Title: Charlottesville gives Lee statue to Jefferson School, melt it down
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 07, 21, 11:22:37:AM
Fuck Robert E Lee, he was a traitor to America.

Charlottesville gives Lee statue to Jefferson School, which plans to melt it

In a historic vote early Tuesday morning, Charlottesville’s City Council voted unanimously to donate the city’s statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, which plans to melt the statue. 

The Jefferson School’s proposal outlines a plan to melt down the Lee statue into ingots and use the bronze to create a new work of public art through an extensive community engagement process. This sculpture will then be gifted to the city for installation on public land. The Jefferson School’s proposal was the only local proposal for ownership of the Lee statue that the city received. City Council will decide the fates of the other two statues on Dec. 20, which will be Mayor Nikuyah Walker and councilor Heather Hill’s last meeting.

The council initially decided to table the vote due to Vice Mayor Sena Magill’s absence, which was due to a family emergency, and disagreements on the disposition of the city’s statues of Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson and Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and Shoshone interpreter Sacajawea. All three statues were removed by the city in July. However, after members of the public voiced their frustration with the delay, the councilors agreed to vote on disposition of the Lee statue only. The vote took place minutes after midnight.

Title: Re: Charlottesville gives Lee statue to Jefferson School, melt it down
Post by: Truman62 on 12 07, 21, 11:25:57:AM

Title: Re: Charlottesville gives Lee statue to Jefferson School, melt it down
Post by: Baretta19 on 12 07, 21, 11:28:00:AM
Fuck Robert E Lee, he was a traitor to America.

Let's look at the liberals version of Patriotism.

Obama admits Iran will fund terrorist groups using billions of dollars unfrozen under nuclear deal

Title: Re: Charlottesville gives Lee statue to Jefferson School, melt it down
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 07, 21, 11:37:15:AM
you still troll'n that stupid shit baretta.   hahahahahhahaa

Title: Re: Charlottesville gives Lee statue to Jefferson School, melt it down
Post by: Truman62 on 12 07, 21, 11:38:59:AM
Hey Bedwetta, how's your sheets?

It was THEIR money?

Cannot withhold money because you THINK they will use money for nefarious purposes.

If THAT were the case, the Trumpers would NEVER get paid!

Title: Re: Charlottesville gives Lee statue to Jefferson School, melt it down
Post by: D2D on 12 07, 21, 07:09:17:PM
Robert E. Lee was a Democrat!

Title: Re: Charlottesville gives Lee statue to Jefferson School, melt it down
Post by: zsq987 on 12 07, 21, 11:19:17:PM

Title: Re: Charlottesville gives Lee statue to Jefferson School, melt it down
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 07, 21, 11:27:27:PM