All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jw2 on 11 28, 21, 08:30:39:AM

Title: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: Jw2 on 11 28, 21, 08:30:39:AM
here's a good idea for all youse anti-vaxxers...

Man Dies After Going to Covid Party to Build Immunity (

An Austrian man who went to an Italian "coronavirus party" in an apparent bid to build immunity against COVID-19 has died from the virus, according to local media reports.

Title: Re: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: dont-blameme on 11 28, 21, 09:26:42:AM
jerkwad2 why don't you go and show us you really believe you are protected from the virus and the jabs are 100% effective!

Title: Re: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: takncarabizniz on 11 28, 21, 11:30:33:AM
And you really believe the shot will provide you a guarantee against the same?

Just like any other flu shot, they may help decrease symptoms, but every individual is different, with different personal maladies that may contribute to their case of the illness.

Frankly, Tony the Fouch, grifter of the year, has been wrong about the science, and just keeps strumming and fiddling with the dumbasses who buy his song and dance.

Title: Re: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: chuck_curtis on 11 28, 21, 11:37:01:AM
I never hear about vaxer parties.  I do hear about dead vaxers, however.

Title: Re: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: Jim on 11 28, 21, 11:42:28:AM
Gee, what is it I always say?  Oh yeah: "What would the Left do without Anecdotals"
◄◄◄◄◄◄  Oh look!  It says so right there!

Title: Re: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: chuck_curtis on 11 28, 21, 11:42:48:AM
With only a tiny fraction dead overall, there isn't enough thinning going on to make a difference, unless you are taking about old, unhealthy people with one foot in, anyhow.  And, even then, there is nary a dent.

Title: Re: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: Jim on 11 28, 21, 11:55:06:AM
There is only a FRACTION of actual Covid deaths - with the majority being people who would have died anyways had they contracted ANY Flu or Pneumonia. Including people with liver or kidney diseases, COPD, heart issues. What happened to all those? Did they suddenly vanish?  Only idiots refuse to understand something else is going on when they start counting vehicle accidents as Covid related just because the dead tested positive for Covid before their crushed chest or sudden 80mph dead stop killed them.

Title: Re: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: Dan on 11 28, 21, 12:23:04:PM
More people have died from the Covid shots than from all other vaccines combined.  But hey, as John says, they don’t have to worry about getting sick anymore.

Title: Re: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: chuck_curtis on 11 28, 21, 12:50:56:PM
Death while unborn is more likely than death while infected with china virus.

Title: Re: Thinning the herd - Dead people have total immunity from viruses
Post by: omiaqt on 11 28, 21, 02:08:15:PM
In Chicago…you can die from CCP virus or lead poisoning.