All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: D2D on 04 02, 21, 08:48:46:PM

Title: Spacenado!
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 21, 08:48:46:PM
Somebody call the SyFy channel. We're going to need a whole series of Spacenado movies. This week, a team of researchers unveiled the results of a study that highlights the first ever observation of a space hurricane in our planet's upper atmosphere. Unlike the infamous cyclones that wreak havoc closer to Earth's surface, the space hurricane was made up of swirling plasma and "rained" electrons.
"Until now, it was uncertain that space plasma hurricanes even existed, so to prove this with such a striking observation is incredible," University of Reading space scientist Mike Lockwood said in a statement Monday ( Lockwood is co-author of a paper on the phenomenon published in the journal Nature Communications ( in late February.

Title: Re: Spacenado!
Post by: wvit1001 on 04 02, 21, 08:55:50:PM
I'm glad you like this guys work d2. 

Here's some more of his work -

In 2007, Lockwood co-authored a paper about solar data from the past 40 years. He was partly inspired to conduct the study after seeing the Great Global Warming Swindle, which contends that the Sun is the primary cause of recent climate change. He found that between 1985 and 1987 all the solar factors that could affect climate performed an "U-turn in every possible way". Lockwood told the New Scientist that he seriously doubted that solar influences were a big factor compared to anthropogenic influences: to explain the lack of global cooling since 1987 would require a very long response time to any solar forcing which is not found in detected responses to volcanic forcing.

However, Lockwood has stressed the distinction between global, regional and seasonal climate changes and is of the opinion that solar modulation of the winter, northern hemisphere jet stream might well result in Europe experiencing a higher fraction of cold winters. From past variations of the Sun deduced from cosmogenic isotopes he concludes that a slide into a new Maunder Minimum is possible over the next 50–100 years.[9][10] The biggest impact of such a decline in solar activity would be a higher occurrence frequency of relatively cold winters in the UK and across Europe, each of which would be accompanied by a relatively warm one elsewhere (for example in Greenland).

In 2012, Lockwood criticized the scientific field as having been "corrupted by unwelcome political and financial influence as climate change sceptics have seized upon putative solar effects as an excuse for inaction on anthropogenic warming".

Title: Re: Spacenado!
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 21, 09:29:36:PM
One is observable and provable fact the other is politics poorly disguised as science!