All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 04 02, 21, 02:58:31:PM

Title: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: Jim on 04 02, 21, 02:58:31:PM

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: warrenpees on 04 02, 21, 04:06:36:PM
Tell us about the war hero you ran against him, loser.

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: Jim on 04 02, 21, 04:25:07:PM
You mean the one with only ONE deferment?

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: warrenpees on 04 02, 21, 04:33:07:PM
Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet - The New York Times ( (

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: wvit1001 on 04 02, 21, 04:39:42:PM
Biden had several deferments for being a student.    and one medical exam in April 1968 where he received the "1-Y" classification, which meant he could only be drafted in a national emergency.

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: Jim on 04 02, 21, 04:44:08:PM
Yeh, thats what I said: "Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy"

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: wvit1001 on 04 02, 21, 04:46:19:PM
how's that given a pass on hypocrisy jim?

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: warrenpees on 04 02, 21, 04:49:41:PM
Jim chooses to ignore reply #3.

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: Jim on 04 02, 21, 05:00:51:PM
Warren chooses to ignore #1.

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: gwboolean on 04 02, 21, 06:18:01:PM
Joe Biden had 5 deferments.

Now that is an interesting accusation Jivin Jimmy Crow.  I am sure that it was provided to you by old Q. 

Perhaps you can relay a question back to Q for me Jivin Jimmy Crow.  Why would Joe Biden have needed to receive deferments from the Viet Nam war when, based on his age and what he was doing at the time, he would not have required a deferment to avoid the Nam?

Now I am not doubting yours, or old Q's word Jivin Jimmy, but could you produce some reliable evidence that what you say is true?

Who the fuck is Q anyway?


Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: Jw2 on 04 02, 21, 06:51:25:PM
Aren't you ashamed to be doing the bidding of a hostile foreign nation?

Title: Re: Giving a PASS on Hypocrisy
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 21, 09:45:24:PM