All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: dont-blameme on 04 02, 21, 08:39:12:AM

Title: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a reality?
Post by: dont-blameme on 04 02, 21, 08:39:12:AM
The leftist democrats have everything going their way, and it appears nothing or anybody can or will stop them!

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: wvit1001 on 04 02, 21, 09:31:17:AM
who told you that the mask mandates may be forever goofy?    and i certainly hope the keep up with who is vaccinated and who isn't.

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: dont-blameme on 04 02, 21, 12:29:55:PM
Sure you want to keep up with it ccwvit that's how socialist and communist control the masses by knowing everything and having informants like you and 5th third bank as rats.

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: Dan on 04 02, 21, 01:11:33:PM
who told you that the mask mandates may be forever?

Biden did.  He still wears masks despite the fact he is unable to get infected.  Why?

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: gwboolean on 04 02, 21, 02:40:03:PM
The Q bro/ho's are disseminating more disinformation.  It doesn't appear to be working well for them.  Old Q is failing them.

Who the fuck is Q anyway?


Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: wvit1001 on 04 02, 21, 02:43:58:PM
troll'n dan is a troll'n.

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: Dan on 04 02, 21, 03:39:00:PM
Racist troll moron goofy old man junior samples is a trolling.

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: Dan on 04 02, 21, 03:40:13:PM
Notice how no liberal can give a science based explanation why vaccinated dementia joe Biden still wears face diapers.

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: Jim on 04 02, 21, 03:42:57:PM
Democrat and Gestapo are now synonyms. 

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: Jim on 04 02, 21, 03:43:25:PM

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: sine-qua-non on 04 02, 21, 03:46:14:PM
Cho Xiden wants to keep the country shut down, kill small businesses and keep Americans dependent on Goobermint handouts

while rewarding his failed blue state governor tyrants, CCP & oligarchs masters at the expense of the great economy that Trump gave us all.

Just look at all the new taxes he want to pay for his America last policies

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: omiaqt on 04 02, 21, 03:48:20:PM
All this for a flu virus that is just about 99.9% recoverable. What else will the Nazicrats want recorded on your papers please?

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: Truman62 on 04 02, 21, 03:59:05:PM
The Trumpers had everything going their way, and it appears NOBODY liked their TOTALITARIAN Utopian of White Supremacy and Catering to the Rich!

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: sine-qua-non on 04 02, 21, 04:14:08:PM
By NOBODY, you obviously mean the TDS nobody’s (

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: Dan on 04 02, 21, 04:49:13:PM
their TOTALITARIAN Utopian of White Supremacy and Catering to the Rich!

Evidence, please.  Or apologize for being a liar.

Title: Re: Mask mandates may be forever, vaccine digital id's may be a realit
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 21, 09:37:12:PM
Truman believes being an obvious liar is a badge of honor!