All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: dont-blameme on 03 29, 21, 09:24:06:AM

Title: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: dont-blameme on 03 29, 21, 09:24:06:AM
no longer be a republic governed by the rule of law instead it will become a dictatorship governed by the democrat party!

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 29, 21, 10:26:47:AM
maybe instead of putting all their efforts into limiting voting rights there republicans should look into adopting some more popular political positions then blammie.   

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: dont-blameme on 03 29, 21, 10:54:11:AM
ccwvit there is no such thing as voting rights to be limited, and second the GOP has never tried to stop any American citizen from voting, but that cant be said about democrats their history say's different doesn't it. Some even went so far as lynching blacks and whites to get their message across. You ccwvit are proof that stupid is forever backed up by the idiotic crap and lies you post or reply with.

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 29, 21, 11:00:32:AM
hahahahahhaahaha.   you're an idiot and a troll.

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: dont-blameme on 03 29, 21, 11:08:58:AM
ccwvit proves the point that stupid is forever!

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 29, 21, 11:10:40:AM
Today, voter suppression is much more sophisticated, so legislative districts are scientifically gerrymandered; polling places are closed or moved, but no one is told; Sunday voting — “souls to the polls” — is abolished; hours-long lines are created but food and beverages are prohibited; and one Republican state proposed its lawmakers ignore the popular vote and decide themselves which who gets its electoral votes, overriding the voters’ choice.

Republicans want to crush vote-by-mail, eliminate ballot drop boxes, cut early voting and hours, and tighten rules on absentee voting, all to essentially create a voting system tailored to the voting tendency of older white Republican voters.

Why, you ask?

Why to stop voter fraud, of course.

But, but … widespread fraud doesn’t exist, you, and voting officials nationally, Trump’s Department of Homeland Security, and 60-plus courts say. Voter fraud has been proven to be The Big Lie, spread by the Big Lier-In-Chief, Donald Trump (and all his lying little friends).

So yeah, there was no voter fraud; so why then all the voter suppression?

Because if Black, Indigenous and People of Color and young voters can’t be suppressed, how are Republicans gonna win?

Just ask Trump, “They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again. … We can never allow this (Democratic victories) to happen again.”

Or Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C.: “Without changes, we’re never going to win again presidentially … we’re going to lose the ability to elect a Republican in this country.”

Or look at demographic projections for the next decade and beyond and how white, Southern voters will be overwhelmed, in pure population numbers, by “those” people.

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: gwboolean on 03 29, 21, 11:10:45:AM
All the Commie boogalosers are whining about how any legislation to help poor Americans is a threat to our country and our democracy/republic.

Then they wonder why America has turned our backs on them and want them out of our country!  Little fucking crybabies.(

There has never been limited voting rights.

An obvious lie.

The Radical Right Republican White Nationalist party has never tried to stop any American citizen from voting.

Another obvious lie.

How are these Commie boogalosers able to even tell us these lies as we can see them doing both of those things as we speak?  If you are not a Commie Boogaloser then you should never believe your lying eyes and ears!  So how is that working for you these days Commie boogalosers?

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: dont-blameme on 03 29, 21, 11:15:09:AM
ccwvit you living in Canada now, if not why link to their news source you know damn well they slant hard left!

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 29, 21, 11:16:05:AM
do you disagree with trump and graham then blammie?   

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 29, 21, 11:16:58:AM
Just ask Trump, “They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again. … We can never allow this (Democratic victories) to happen again.”

Or Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C.: “Without changes, we’re never going to win again presidentially … we’re going to lose the ability to elect a Republican in this country.”

Or look at demographic projections for the next decade and beyond and how white, Southern voters will be overwhelmed, in pure population numbers, by “those” people.

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 29, 21, 11:21:48:AM
per his usual blammie abandons his own thread.    hahahahhahahaha

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: dont-blameme on 03 29, 21, 11:28:11:AM
ccwvit your stupid is annoying, as well as your insane laugh and giggles, but like it says stupid is forever, and you have your own private corner. It is said that people like you miss the chance of being an American but just at being a socialist/communist. 

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 29, 21, 11:29:25:AM
do you disagree with trump and graham then blammie?   you didn't say.

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: gwboolean on 03 29, 21, 12:05:32:PM
Badass Blome falsely claims he is an American.  Sorry asshole, but that ended when you Commie Boogalosers tried to overthrow our government and install Putsch Pussy and Putin as our diktaters.

America not only doesn't have to listen to your Commie lies, but after what you Commie Boogalosers did you forfeited your citizenship as Americans.  We gonna deport your foreign ass Blanked Blome!(

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 29, 21, 12:07:58:PM
all blammie can do is start thread and then revert quickly to insults, then when that doesn't work he just shuts down.   it's a pattern he just can't shake. 

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: D2D on 03 29, 21, 08:28:50:PM
That is the Democrat party's goal!

Making America a one party dictatorship with Democrats being the one party!

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: D2D on 03 30, 21, 11:06:39:PM

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: Local5th on 03 30, 21, 11:26:40:PM
But, but … widespread fraud doesn’t exist, you, and voting officials nationally, Trump’s Department of Homeland Security, and 60-plus courts say. Voter fraud has been proven to be The Big Lie, spread by the Big Lier-In-Chief, Donald Trump (and all his lying little friends).

Yup. And that's the reason for Pelosi's bill. She wants to make voter fraud easier.

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: chuck_curtis on 03 31, 21, 12:37:31:AM
I'd say she wants to make it permanent.  It's already easy.

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: D2D on 04 01, 21, 03:56:54:PM
Democrats can only win by cheating!

Title: Re: Should pelosi's bill become law and most likely will, America will
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 21, 09:37:48:PM
A new Rasmussen poll shows that an overwhelming majority of black Americans support voter ID laws ( backed by Republicans that Democrats claim are racist.
69 percent of likely black voters support voter ID laws while 75 percent of the general public supports these laws. Only 21 percent of voters disapprove of these laws meant to protect election integrity.
Even though many prominent Democrats claim voter ID laws are racist, a firm majority of Democrats support voter ID laws at 60 percent. 89 percent of Republicans support voter ID and 77 percent of all voters support the laws.
As of right now, 36 states have passed some sort of a voter ID law. After the fiasco that was the 2020 presidential election, states are working on tightening their existing voter ID laws or enacting ones that will prevent grotesque fraud from occurring. ( (

Still Democrats claim blacks are too stupid and lazy to have ID!