All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wmdn_bs on 03 23, 18, 08:00:54:AM

Title: What say you...
Post by: wmdn_bs on 03 23, 18, 08:00:54:AM
...Trump fans?

Just another week in the Whitehouse reality show. Sad!

Title: Re: What say you...
Post by: sunshine on 03 23, 18, 09:24:34:AM
Biden picked the fight with Trump.

Title: Re: What say you...
Post by: pacifica on 03 23, 18, 09:31:31:AM

Dem spin cycle

( loves America and America loves Trump(

Title: Re: What say you...
Post by: shiloh_3 on 03 23, 18, 10:20:44:AM
Biden wasn't picking a fight with Dennison at all. He stated how he would react to the likes of someone like him when in high school. Dennison brought it up to a present day confrontation.

Title: Re: What say you...
Post by: wmdn_bs on 03 23, 18, 10:47:07:AM

Dem spin cycle

( loves America and America loves Trump(

Really?????? Trump is treading water with only about a 39% job approval rating, and you think Trump is loved by America? Talk about a spin cycle.

Even more telling than his approval ratings are his disapproval ratings. 40% approve 56% disapprove poll completed 03/18/2018.

Compare that to his numbers in January 2017. 45% approve, 47% disapprove.

You right wingers fool yourselves by thinking America voted FOR Trump. Actually they voted against Hillary... there is a big difference. Even then, Trump lost the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes. That does not demonstrate a lot of love.

Title: Re: What say you...
Post by: Truman62 on 03 23, 18, 10:56:08:AM
The bigoted, racist, crude minority of angry white folks is leading America to ruin,
SAYING they are making America Great Again... 

If I wasn't so worried, I'd be laughing...

Gonna start lookin for a job in New Brunswick, or Bermuda.

Title: Re: What say you...
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 03 23, 18, 11:19:13:AM
America did not vote against hillary.  she won by 3 million.  she lost 3 traditionally democratic states- michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania, by about 10,000 votes,, 26,000 votes and 46,000 votes.  if only the weirdos who voted for jill stein had voted for hillary in those 3 states she would be president.  if all the sore loser sanders' crybabies had voted for her or not voted for Trump, she would have won those 3 states.  After 8 years of a black democrats, a lot of bigoted, older white folks just were not ready for a similar democrat, especially a woman, especially one who for some reason pisses off so many white people.  they wanted a change, but i bet most of them today are crying in their beer over what an incompetent, crass, lying asshole we have in office now. 

Title: Re: What say you...
Post by: wmdn_bs on 03 23, 18, 01:23:17:PM
Yep, I know some of them.