All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: chuck_curtis on 03 22, 18, 10:02:42:PM

Title: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: chuck_curtis on 03 22, 18, 10:02:42:PM
A House Intelligence Committee investigation of Russian election meddling has concluded that former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper misled Congress about disclosing information to CNN.

The committee's final report on the investigation was approved on Thursday and now awaits an intelligence agency review.

Despite 472 days of investigation and thousands of witnesses, the committee stated in its list of final conclusions and recommendations that it found no evidence of collusion between President Donald Trump, his campaign aides, and Russia.

"The committee found no evidence that meetings between Trump associates—including Jeff Sessions—and official representatives of the Russian government—including Ambassador Kislyak—reflected collusion, coordination, or conspiracy with the Russian government," the list states.

The report also said former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI regarding conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak "even though the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents did not detect any deception during Flynn's interview."

The finding suggests the FBI improperly charged Flynn.

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: justincase on 03 22, 18, 10:07:51:PM
The only investigation that matters is the one being conducted by Robert Mueller. No one knows what Mueller has found and no one will know until he is ready to make his findings public.

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: seahooker on 03 22, 18, 10:22:43:PM

The only investigation that matters is the one being conducted by Robert Mueller. Why wouldn't you believe that investigating "HIGH GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS" lying to congress, who oversees them, doesn't matter?

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 10:49:03:PM
Nunes and his band of nuts have totally discredited themselves.  Nothing they say is of any consequence. 

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 03 23, 18, 05:33:44:AM
Congress did not, republicans did.  they are cowards and liars. who cares what they say?

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: wmdn_bs on 03 23, 18, 05:36:43:AM
Absolutely correct Oscar. Not one Democrat signed on to the bogus Republican release.

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 03 23, 18, 06:44:08:AM
Nunes is the ring leader and he has made even more loony tune comments over the years as a representative of one of the most right wing districts in California.  He has lied over and over again, has given trump and his cronies access to top secret reports that INVOLVE THEM, so they can plan their strategy and talking points in advance, before even sharing it with other republicans, and not sharing it at all with democrats, and has basically, along with almost all the other repubs on the partisan committee, been agents of Trump, whose main agenda is to protect trump and his cronies, not to impartially investigate russian meddling and find out what happened and how to stop it from happening again.  they should all be impeached. 

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: wmdn_bs on 03 23, 18, 06:58:22:AM
We can impeach the GOP congress in November.

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: Jw2 on 03 23, 18, 07:06:41:AM
Republican traitors concocted their bunch of lies.  no surprise.

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: chuck_curtis on 03 23, 18, 09:50:38:AM
...The summary shows that in addition to the key finding that there is no evidence of collusion, the committee found that Trump’s business dealings before the campaign did not form the basis for collusion during the campaign. The committee also found that the intelligence community’s assessment that Putin favored Trump in the election “did not employ proper analytic tradecraft.”

While finding no issues with Trump, the committee instead uncovered alarming issues regarding the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign and leaks from the intelligence community.

The FBI obtained a warrant to spy on Trump associate Carter Page using an unverified dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. That dossier was compiled by British ex-spy Christopher Steele using second- and third-hand sources with ties to the Kremlin, according to the summary of findings.

The committee also discovered an alarming and dramatic increase in leaks from the intelligence community immediately after Trump was elected. The leaks contained the same language as the intelligence community’s assessment. The report singled out former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

“Continued leaks of classified information have damaged national security and potentially endangered lives,” the summary says. “Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, now a CNN national security analyst, provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN.”

In response to the leaks, the committee recommended that Congress pass legislation to increase penalties for unauthorized leaks and that the Executive Branch should consider giving mandatory lie-detector tests to non-confirmed political appointees with top-secret clearances.

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 23, 18, 09:57:46:AM
Nunes and his band of nuts have totally discredited themselves.  Nothing they say is of any consequence.

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: wmdn_bs on 03 23, 18, 10:09:43:AM
The summary proves that when you allow only the foxes to investigate the crimes in the hen house, or report the results of the investigation, the report will definitely NOT find a fox guilty.

Title: Re: Congress concludes that Intelligence director misled America
Post by: chuck_curtis on 03 23, 18, 10:17:20:AM
All the anti-Russia claims in the summary are wrong, or just the claims you don't like?