All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 03 22, 18, 06:18:05:PM

Title: How to handle protesters.
Post by: Jim on 03 22, 18, 06:18:05:PM

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: zsq987 on 03 22, 18, 06:23:10:PM
The SAME should be done with ILLEGAL ALIENS that trespass into OUR Country!!!!

Use a catapult and send them flying back over our Border Wall that will soon be built across our ENTIRE Southern Border!!!!

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 06:27:54:PM
He got the idea from the right wing nut in Charlottesville.

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: Jw2 on 03 22, 18, 06:31:19:PM
nice of jim to expose his anti-American POV.

how much do the Russians pay you jim?

is that why so many aesopsretreat right wingers have abandoned this forum - they discovered who your Russian masters are?

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: zsq987 on 03 22, 18, 07:20:27:PM
Why do you Lib A-holes support ILLEGAL ALIENS over AMERICANS? ? ? ? ?

You people are TOTAL A-holes!!!!

Every Lib is a disgusting POS!!!!!

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: zsq987 on 03 22, 18, 07:21:14:PM

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 07:23:24:PM
whoever supported illegal aliens over Americans?

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: bhsgrad1972 on 03 22, 18, 07:26:42:PM

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: D2D on 03 22, 18, 07:37:01:PM
whoever supported illegal aliens over Americans?


Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: zsq987 on 03 22, 18, 07:38:23:PM
BHSGrad......   (

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: omiaqt on 03 22, 18, 07:39:34:PM
It is quite simple why liberals support illegal aliens over Americans, as they illegally vote 100% Democrat.

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 07:43:56:PM
thing is our Constitutional rights apply to anyone within our borders, not just Americans.   

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 07:48:08:PM
Trump supporters might be surprised at how far the Constitution extends toward non-citizens once they're inside the country, however. Cases extending back to the 1800s, including ones brought by Chinese immigrants challenging the arbitrary seizure of their property, have established the rights of non-citizens under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments including due process and the right to a jury.

In U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, an 1898 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the term “person” under the Fifth Amendment applied to aliens living in the U.S. In Fong Yue Ting v. U.S.,the court held that Chinese laborers, “like all other aliens residing in the United States,” are entitled to protection of the laws.

"There's no dispute at the absolute core," said Andrew Kent, a constitutional scholar at Fordham Law. "If somebody is picked up by police they the have same Miranda and due process rights in all contexts except immigration law."

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: wxzyw on 03 22, 18, 07:52:25:PM
vit thinks it alright for invaders to violate private property.

The owner should have ran over them.

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 07:59:47:PM
did I ever say it was alright for anyone to violate private property?   I don't think I did.

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: D2D on 03 22, 18, 08:06:32:PM
Why do Democrats insist illegals have superior rights?

Why do Democrats insist illegals have the right to vote in American elections?

Democrats have made it clear they believe no American has private property rights!

According to Democrats only the bureaucracy can determine what you are allowed to have!

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 03 22, 18, 08:07:32:PM
it is hard to believe how stupid trump voters are, how bigoted, how senseless, then you look at how awful Trump is, on every level, both as a human and as president, and you understand that only people this bigoted, this senseless, could have ever voted for Trump and even more senseless to still support that bloated clown even today. 

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: bhsgrad1972 on 03 22, 18, 08:21:09:PM
NON-CITIZENS do have certain rights guaranteed to them under our Constitution.  However, NON-CITIZENS are also subject to our RULE OF LAW - and if THEY BREAK THE LAW, they can expect to face the consequences of that action.

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 08:24:11:PM
that's right bhs, see you can learn some things.

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 03 22, 18, 08:25:11:PM
NON-CITIZENS do have certain rights guaranteed to them under our Constitution.  However, NON-CITIZENS are also subject to our RULE OF LAW - and if THEY BREAK THE LAW, they can expect to face the consequences of that action.

of course.  who denies that?  and what obama did was focus on deporting criminals and bad guys first, and foremost, not peaceful, law abiding folks with families who have not been picked up on any police radar.  see the difference?  one is humane and logical, and the other is like what Nazis would do. 

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: omiaqt on 03 22, 18, 08:32:36:PM
Democrats believe the second you step onto our soil, you should have the same rights as native born citizens, including the right to vote.

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 03 22, 18, 08:36:33:PM
You are a goddamn liar.  Name one who has said that, you liar.  Why do you lie so much, mr/ms/mrs/ omiaqt?

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 08:59:33:PM
That’s all he’s got. 

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: bhsgrad1972 on 03 22, 18, 09:05:13:PM

I guarantee that if you or I broke the laws, we wouldn't be given "amnesty"; we WOULD be facing the consequences, whatever those would be for our actions.  Let's take a hypothetical case here:  Your child is very sick and you needed to take him to the doctor a few miles away, but you had just lost your job the day before, and your car was out of gas.  So you went to a self-serve gas station and filled up and left without paying.  Likely the surveillance video would have a shot of your license plate, and you would be arrested.  The judge wouldn't care if you had just lost your job and needed that gas to take your child to the doctor.  He would NOT give you "amnesty" from your crime.  He'd still fine you and send you to jail for so many days, AND order you to make restitution - because you KNEW you were breaking the law when you STOLE that gas for your car.

That same RULE OF LAW applies to ILLEGAL ALIENS, too.

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 03 22, 18, 09:07:33:PM
Illegals voting Dim have no rights to vote dumber than zippy (

Democrats believe the second you step onto our soil, you should have the same rights as native born citizens, including the right to vote.

Or to become a POTUS like the fraud Barry did!

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 03 22, 18, 09:19:39:PM

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: Jim on 03 22, 18, 11:04:16:PM
Democrats believe the second you step onto our soil, you should have the same rights as native born citizens, including the right to vote.

Riiight.  And as soon as I break into their home I will have my choice bedroom to sleep in. And they would be Racists to deny me.

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 03 23, 18, 06:35:01:AM
it is funny to read what right wingers consider good arguments.  silly ass shit about obama being an illegal immigrant, immigrants who come here and work hard and live good lives and pay taxes and build businesses and hire people and buy homes and cars and improve the economy are like people who come into your house and choose which bedroom they want to sleep in!!! how do these clots keep forgetting that is why any of us are here- our ancestors took a chance to come to this country and work hard and make a better life for themselves and their families.  most came when there were not any laws about it but what difference does that make when you consider how similar it is to what illegals, by a huge majority, have done here when they come to find a better life?  why are you so worried about them?  why the hate?  especially when you consider for the last 6 years the net immigration rate from mexico is zero.  why are you so easily frightened and paranoid? why do you believe all the lies about them voting or getting welfare?  you are so confused about everything, you believe every right wing lie...WHY?

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 03 23, 18, 01:57:53:PM
When did Barry prove he was legit semi literate one ?

Hawaii governor claims record of Obama's birth 'exists in archives' but can't produce the vital document
By Daily Mail Reporter (

What does ho-duddy know that the Gov of Hawaii know and why didn’t he say something so this wouldn’t happen ...

DNC Failed to Certify Obama as Eligible in MOST States! › article › dn...
Sep 25, 2009 · When I first became aware that the Democratic National Committee prepared, signed and notarized two slightly different Certification of Nomination documents for the Obama-Biden ticket in the 2008 ...

Democratic Party of Hawaii Refused To Certify Barack Obama in 2008
Hawaii Dems button-lipped on Obama eligibility status - › 2010/09
Sep 25, 2010 · The butterdezillion blog noted, “the Hawaii Democratic Party actually ignored their protocols in 2008 in order to specifically NOT certify Obama's eligibility as they had done for candidates in ...
Democratic Party of Hawaii Refused To Certify Barack Obama in 2008 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet Archive › details › DemocraticPa...
Why did Nanci Pelosi and the DNC send two different certifications of Barack Obamas Candidacy to different states in 2008?

Title: Re: How to handle protesters.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 03 23, 18, 02:18:18:PM
Barry so loved the illegal immigrant, being one hisself,  that he even brought their children here by the thousands, who knows how many really, then the left crockodile tears and all cry about splitting up illegals families.  Their hypocracy is palpable ain’t it (

I see no responce to “the rights silly assed excuses ...” from our kookiest board leftist challenging what I posted above.
