All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 03:42:15:PM

Title: Dowd’s resignation sets Trump up for trouble in Mueller probe
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 03:42:15:PM
The combination of Dowd’s resignation and the addition of attorney Joseph E. diGenova is taken as a sign of a more confrontational, combative approach by Trump. If true, things could get demonstrably worse for the president. The greatest danger of a scorched-earth approach is when you are standing on that earth at the time.

Title: Re: Dowd’s resignation sets Trump up for trouble in Mueller probe
Post by: Jw2 on 03 22, 18, 04:35:46:PM
Dowd quitting means...

Trump is lying to even his lawyers...

He fears Trump won't pay for his services.

Title: Re: Dowd’s resignation sets Trump up for trouble in Mueller probe
Post by: omiaqt on 03 22, 18, 04:38:03:PM
You two get more desperate everyday. I would suggest mental health treatment.

Title: Re: Dowd’s resignation sets Trump up for trouble in Mueller probe
Post by: wvit1001 on 03 22, 18, 04:39:14:PM
why do you think trump's lawyer quit the trump club omiaqt?   with all that's going on right now especially.

Title: Re: Dowd’s resignation sets Trump up for trouble in Mueller probe
Post by: omiaqt on 03 22, 18, 09:36:35:PM
How would I know the reason for his resignation? But what I do know is you and many others of your kind, have been beating the Russian collusion drum for over a year, without providing a single piece of evidence our President has done a single thing wrong. Lastly, if one wants a Russian connection, they should look no further than Mr & Mrs Bill Clinton.

Title: Re: Dowd’s resignation sets Trump up for trouble in Mueller probe
Post by: fun n games on 03 23, 18, 05:03:45:AM
Omisquat why would the Clintons help the Russians to get tRump elected?

And Of course Mueller will not tell you or tRump his findings until he has the solid evidence to put the noose around trump's neck.

That is why tRump is sweating so much because he can feel the noose tightening and he doesn't know how much of the rope Mueller has ahold of.  tRump knows all his guilts but it kills him not knowing how close Mueller is.


Title: Re: Dowd’s resignation sets Trump up for trouble in Mueller probe
Post by: August West on 03 23, 18, 07:22:19:AM
The Witch Hunt sure is finding a lot of witches.

Title: Re: Dowd’s resignation sets Trump up for trouble in Mueller probe
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 03 23, 18, 07:36:04:AM
How would I know the reason for his resignation? But what I do know is you and many others of your kind, have been beating the Russian collusion drum for over a year, without providing a single piece of evidence our President has done a single thing wrong. Lastly, if one wants a Russian connection, they should look no further than Mr & Mrs Bill Clinton.

You can only point and laugh at those stupid enough to believe Mr. & Mrs. Bill Clinton conspired with Russia to help Trump get elected....just freaking amazing.