General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Music / Audio => Topic started by: sunshine on 08 04, 10, 05:46:18:AM

Title: It's raining........ RAIN!!
Post by: sunshine on 08 04, 10, 05:46:18:AM

Well, not men, but real rain. It's been since June!

Title: Re: It's raining........ RAIN!!
Post by: emilyB on 08 05, 10, 12:27:20:AM
I didn't think I would say this but I want my rainy days back - the grass is turning brown and everthing is so dry.  This can't be Oregon! (

Title: Re: It's raining........ RAIN!!
Post by: sunshine on 08 05, 10, 12:14:07:PM
It only rained for 3 hours...more...I need more!!!