All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: dont-blameme on 09 15, 13, 10:16:38:AM

Title: Has anyone else noticed
Post by: dont-blameme on 09 15, 13, 10:16:38:AM
obama's ears are drooping and his tail is between his legs? Syria, or is it obama's waterloo?

Title: Re: Has anyone else noticed
Post by: jst-the-fax on 09 15, 13, 10:34:47:AM
obama is as clueless as one can be.   I is sad that a soviet is playing him like a fine fiddle; President Reagan must be rolling over in his grave. 

Title: Re: Has anyone else noticed
Post by: wmdn_bs on 09 15, 13, 11:37:25:AM
There is no Soviet Union. Have you just crawled out from under a rock? Obama played the Russians and Syrians like conducting an orchestra. The man is brilliant.

Title: Re: Has anyone else noticed
Post by: duke_john on 09 15, 13, 11:51:59:AM
HaHa!  Good one, wmd!