All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: natalukjoe on 09 15, 13, 04:03:49:AM

Title: Massachusetts Principal Recites Muslim Prayer at School on 9/11
Post by: natalukjoe on 09 15, 13, 04:03:49:AM
The poem, “My Grandmother Washes Her Feet in the Sink of the Bathroom at Sears (,” discusses the cultural issues confronting the speaker’s grandmother, who had to wash her feet for the Islamic ritual of wudu in a bathroom sink at her

department store job because she misses her mandatory prayer time. The poem mentions America several times, not particularely favorably. One bit: “If you Americans knew anything / about civilization and cleanliness / you’d make wider


Massachusetts School Reads Muslim Foot Washing Poem on 9/11 ... (,d.cGE)

Title: Re: Massachusetts Principal Recites Muslim Prayer at School on 9/11
Post by: Jim on 09 15, 13, 04:39:57:AM
Whatever happened to the good old days of just kicking someones ass for being an ass?
I guess it went the way of corporal punishment.
And look what we've ended up with.

Title: Re: Massachusetts Principal Recites Muslim Prayer at School on 9/11
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 15, 13, 06:47:23:AM
wow, you little fellers sure do wave your arms and stamp your little feet easily!  a poem about a woman having to wash her feet at sears pisses you off?  are you riding the cotton pony?  you know- cramping, PMS, crabby, out of sorts?  try some midol, missies, and try not to be so damn sensitive. 

Title: Re: Massachusetts Principal Recites Muslim Prayer at School on 9/11
Post by: duke_john on 09 15, 13, 08:22:01:AM
Hooshit thinks the Lord's Prayer should have been read, or better yet for her, maybe her favorite recipe from Road Kill Gourmet, with banjo music playing in the background.

Title: Re: Massachusetts Principal Recites Muslim Prayer at School on 9/11
Post by: dont-blameme on 09 15, 13, 08:46:27:AM
oink oink the pig boy is obsessed with banjo music and squealing.

Title: Re: Massachusetts Principal Recites Muslim Prayer at School on 9/11
Post by: lluke47 on 09 15, 13, 09:26:18:AM
The mooslims are killing innocent people all over the globe and the liberals love them, what a screwed up world..
The love the liberal stench has for mooslims prove what cowards they are in this country to confront this mosslim trash..