All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: HK91-762mm on 09 14, 13, 08:01:21:PM

Title: Wisconsin teachers union decertified latest blow to labor
Post by: HK91-762mm on 09 14, 13, 08:01:21:PM

Teachers from one of Wisconsin’s largest unions have jumped ship -- voting overwhelmingly to abandon the group in the latest in a string of setbacks for the struggling labor movement following Gov. Scott Walker’s union overhaul two years ago.
The decision this week to disband by members of the Kenosha Education Association ( came after the organization was stripped of its certification and told it had lost its power to bargain for base wages with the district. The group was decertified after missing a key deadline in the annual reapplication process.
When the group might actually disband was not clear and calls to the organization were not returned.
The development is in keeping with an overall downward spiral for Wisconsin’s public worker unions. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported earlier this year that tens of thousands of teachers and other government workers have left their unions since the Walker-backed law took effect.
Known as Act 10, the set of reforms includes a provision that says unions won’t be recognized by the state unless 51 percent of all potential members support them in annual elections.
These elections have contributed to their decline.

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Title: Re: Wisconsin teachers union decertified latest blow to labor
Post by: stretch351c on 09 14, 13, 08:24:16:PM
Leftists hate it when people are given a choice.

Title: Re: Wisconsin teachers union decertified latest blow to labor
Post by: a777pilot on 09 14, 13, 08:25:41:PM
Great news!

Now we need to end ALL public sector unions.  I have no principled objections to private sector unions.

Title: Re: Wisconsin teachers union decertified latest blow to labor
Post by: Byteryder on 09 14, 13, 08:32:56:PM
Just gotta love it.

Title: Re: Wisconsin teachers union decertified latest blow to labor
Post by: Byteryder on 09 14, 13, 08:33:40:PM
Great news!

Now we need to end ALL public sector unions.  I have no principled objections to private sector unions.

Agreed, pilot

Title: Re: Wisconsin teachers union decertified latest blow to labor
Post by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 08:36:47:PM
Dissolve the federal government,problem solved.

Title: Re: Wisconsin teachers union decertified latest blow to labor
Post by: jst-the-fax on 09 14, 13, 08:55:10:PM
Here is another thing that would stop the union dogs from giving a large portion of members due to the neocoms

A House lawmaker last week introduced a bill that would prohibit the automatic deduction of union dues from the paychecks of federal employees.
According to the sponsor of the Empower Employees Act (, Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the prohibition “would increase employees’ freedom by allowing them to choose to pay union dues rather than having them taken out of employees’ paychecks before the workers even see the money.”
“Federal union employees enjoy benefits far greater than those in the private sector, and the unions’ power to bargain is supported by the dues they automatically collect from employees’ paychecks each month,” Scott said. “The current system uses taxpayer resources to do the work of collecting dues, rather than the unions doing it themselves.”
The lawmaker said Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) would introduce companion legislation in the Senate.
In an e-mail, National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley told Federal Daily June 6 that her union is “strongly opposed to legislation that would strip from federal employees their longstanding right to have union dues automatically deducted from their paychecks.”
“To be clear,” Kelley said, “employees in the federal sector voluntarily choose to belong to a union and pay dues and affirmatively sign a form to do so. Automatic dues deduction is a convenience — nothing more.”
Kelley noted that the automatic deduction of union dues “is just one of many allowable voluntary allotments federal employees can choose. Others include dues for professional organizations, loan repayments, savings bond purchases, savings programs, charitable contributions, child support payments and more.”

Title: Re: Wisconsin teachers union decertified latest blow to labor
Post by: HK91-762mm on 09 14, 13, 09:49:17:PM
I had the privilege of voting for JIM Demint the first time he ran!!

Title: Re: Wisconsin teachers union decertified latest blow to labor
Post by: KensanIV on 09 15, 13, 12:05:47:AM
No one who is paid by taxpayers should ever be a member of a union.  And I say that as a guy who is married to a teacher and was the son of a teacher.
Perhaps in the beginning it may have been necessary for teachers.  We have 501 school districts in Penna...and each county has an average of probably 4-7 different districts.  If the teachers at District A get a raise in pay, then the teachers in B, C and D want raises too.  They play the union game real well.