All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 02:26:27:PM

Title: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 02:26:27:PM (
 This keystone pipeline looks like it would be a good target for terrorist, but any way Obama evidently don't want it approved,5 years ,and still a no go for the permit to build it.

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 14, 13, 02:28:21:PM
you mean the koch brothers and the canadian oil companies that would make all the dough off screwing up our farmer's land by eminent domain are turning up the heat on their paid off republican stooges in congress....

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 02:34:17:PM
Trains and trucks are more costly and dangerous with importing Canadian crude oil.   Obama should catch on the the danger and waste...

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 02:37:20:PM
Apparently democrats senators want it approved as bad as some of the republicans. After the gulf oil disaster Obama probably don't want nothing to do with it.

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 14, 13, 02:38:37:PM
that is why they should truck it over their land to their ports, moron.  what are we, the sludge highway of canada?  we use our taxes to build great highways so canadian oil companies and the koch brothers can use them to make dough all for themselves? and yeah, ttopcat, some, very few, democrats from southern, oil producing states are stooges for the oil company.  many many many more are not.  no republican ever votes against what the koch brothers and big oil wants. 

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 02:38:56:PM
 After the gulf oil disaster Obama probably don't want nothing to do with it.


Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 02:41:02:PM
(Reuters) - A mile-long train hauling oil from Canada derailed and leaked 30,000 gallons of crude in western Minnesota.
Hooty and Obama do not care, why? (

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 02:43:49:PM
Mile-long trains carrying oil from Canada to Delaware passing ... (
Mile-long trains, sometimes two a day, carrying brand-new tankers filled with crude oil from the tar sands region of Canada have begun snaking along the Susquehanna ...



More oil carried by trains, trucks as lawmakers fight over ... (
Oil deliveries jumped 38% on trucks, 53% on barges and 400% on trains from 2011 to 2012, according to The Wall Street Journal.


Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 02:44:49:PM
that is why they should truck it over their land to their ports
To Texas?   What a moron...

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 02:45:24:PM
The thing could blow out ,and make one hell of a mess to clean up.

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 02:49:59:PM
Could, if, maybe, but less of a mess than trains and trucks as the pipeline can be shut down at any interval along the way to our refineries with the flip of a switch.

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 03:03:37:PM
How many miles of pipeline between intervals after all the pipeline is almost 1200 miles long, 20 miles of pipe can hold a heck of a lot of oil.

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 04:01:20:PM
A train hold a lot of oil as well.   Most pipelines around the globe have been successful.   Look at our own Alaskan pipeline over miles of difficult terrain.   Has anyone really found serious problems with the XL pipeline proposal aside from political?

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 04:06:24:PM
The Sierra Club will target it every step of the way to the Gulf.

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 04:08:12:PM
Sure they will but do they run our nation?

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 04:15:20:PM
No,money runs the nation, somebody don't know who' palm's to grease.(

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 04:35:59:PM
I'd rather get more oil from Canada than the Middle East.   Too many problems over there...

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 05:18:07:PM
The middle east is no friend of ours, so on that point along build the pipeline if the oil is going to benefit us to rid of us of oil dependence on ME oil.

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 14, 13, 05:58:33:PM
they have ports in canada, stupid fuck.  they are more modern than we are, in many ways, you fucking idiot.  this oil is not for us specifically.  dumbass.  it will be sold on the open market like all canadian oil and mexican oil is.  and we get very little of our oil from saudi arabia as it is.  why do not know anything jerkwater?  too busy running your mouth to ever read anything?

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: ttopcat on 09 14, 13, 07:41:19:PM
We refine oil, and sell the gas ,and diesel to Europe, and many other countries. We like the light sweet crude oil that is easy to refine from the Middle East.

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 14, 13, 11:02:19:PM
and it goes good on hotcakes...

Title: Re: Congress turns up pressure on Keystone Pipeline
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 15, 13, 11:00:51:AM
Except Iran which does not have sweet crude and has to import gasoline, etc...

Sweet Crude Oil is formally defined as petroleum that has low amounts of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide mixed in.

The most widely known type of Light Sweet Crude Oil is West Texas Intermediate (WTI). WTI has an API gravity of 39.6, and a sulfur content of only 0.24 percent. WTI is considered the benchmark crude oil in the U.S. and is the type whose price is typically quoted in the media.

New York Mercantile Exchange designates petroleum with less than 0.42% sulfur as "sweet".   Petroleum containing higher levels of sulfur is called sour crude oil.

High-quality, low-sulfur crude oil is commonly used for processing into gasoline and is in high demand, particularly in the industrialized nations. "Light sweet crude oil" is the most sought-after version of crude oil as it contains a disproportionately large fraction that is directly processed (fractionation) into gasoline (naphtha), kerosene, and high-quality diesel (gas oil). The term "sweet" originates from the fact that a low level of sulfur provides the oil with a mildly sweet taste and pleasant smell. Nineteenth century prospectors would taste and smell small quantities of oil to determine its quality.