All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: dont-blameme on 09 14, 13, 12:29:48:PM

Title: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: dont-blameme on 09 14, 13, 12:29:48:PM
that they will lie deceive and make up stuff, or claim he did this or he did that, and that is why things are happing the way they are today!
Thanks liberals for once you make a very good point obama is he reason things are the way they are today. In the sh****r, on jobs economy and American creditability.

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: gwboolean on 09 14, 13, 12:35:18:PM
The T r  E  A  $ o n party assholes are desperate to do anything to distract from their destruction.  Too bad nothing is going to save you phatass.

Title: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: BOBRI123 on 09 14, 13, 12:41:42:PM
So hoosier just what has Obama himself actually done that was Good for the Country ?

BOB  RI    123

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 14, 13, 12:50:34:PM
besides save the economy?  save millions of jobs connected to GM and Chrysler?  ending torture?  presiding over the dow jones doubling?  the unemployment rate coming down? the deficit this year almost half of what it was bush's last year?  getting bin laden and 36 other top al qaeda leaders?  helping the world remove qaddafi, an admitted american killing terrorist dictator?  quite a bit, actually.  why do you ask?

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: gwboolean on 09 14, 13, 12:57:41:PM

not much, but he did bring the terrorists that you T  r  E  A  $ on party assholes allowed to attack America and kill thousands of Americans. He did end the two  wars you assholes started, lost and left to America. he did stop the total destruction of the American economy that you T  r  E  A  $ on party assholes were carrying out.  you want more asshole?  What have you
T  r  E  A  $ on party assholes done for America but fuck things up?(

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: Jw2 on 09 14, 13, 01:23:10:PM

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: D2D on 09 14, 13, 01:25:29:PM
Actually he killed those poor people in Benghazi!

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: gwboolean on 09 14, 13, 01:30:13:PM
actually diddledik it was your muzzie BHBs which by the way killed 60 other Americans during the 10 attacks that you
T  r  E A$ o n party allowed and covered up.

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 14, 13, 01:54:26:PM
you are a lying pig, dvd.  did you accuse bush of killing 53 in 11 embassy attacks when he was president, asshole?  good god.  you right wingers are like sheep.  just tell you something.  doesn't have to be true or even very believable...but if fox or rush or world nut daily or beck say it, you believe it and keep repeating it all the fucking time. 

Title: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: BOBRI123 on 09 14, 13, 01:56:05:PM
More people are out of work now than when he was Elected !

Save GM  ?

How many more Jobs from GM went over seas because of him and how much richer did the GM elite get because of him all the while he put the little guy out of a Job ?

He also is directly responsible for the Killings of over 300 and counting when he authorized the Re starting of Fast and furious !

The Economy is getting worse every day as he has been going on countless vacations on the tax payers dime while having the rest of the country on Sequester !

He makes Carter look like a saint !

He is doubtless the worst president in History !

BOB  RI    123

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 02:04:01:PM
More people are out of work now than when Obama was elected.
That is true.

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 14, 13, 02:37:00:PM
more people admitting they are out of many are supplementing their early retirement with off the grid jobs, like bartending or handyman jobs or trading and selling stuff on ebay? you anti-american pigs always look for the worst possible angle when it comes to this country and hope for the worst possible outcome, if you think it gives you some sort of political edge.  what fucking anti-american pigs you chickenshits are....

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 02:54:25:PM
Obama has the worst record with jobs since 1979 and Carter.   Just a fact.   Go ahead and cheer him because he is half-black, Hooty.  A really stupid reason to support him. (

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: william H on 09 14, 13, 03:16:00:PM

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: chuck_curtis on 09 14, 13, 03:19:10:PM
The collectivist chickens, having laid their eggs around America for over 100 years are left with the sad state we witness in America today to point to.  And it's not impressive.  If Americans were more prosperous and free for all the collectivist's efforts, I would be one of them.

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 14, 13, 04:07:23:PM
Obama the nut did not fall far from the tree or another failure, his father.

Title: Re: liberals are desperate to turn their elected failure into a hero
Post by: D2D on 09 15, 13, 11:32:59:AM
actually diddledik it was your muzzie BHBs which by the way killed 60 other Americans during the 10 attacks that you
T  r  E A$ o n party allowed and covered up.
you are a lying pig, dvd.  did you accuse bush of killing 53 in 11 embassy attacks when he was president, asshole?  good god.  you right wingers are like sheep.  just tell you something.  doesn't have to be true or even very believable...but if fox or rush or world nut daily or beck say it, you believe it and keep repeating it all the fucking time. 
Those attacks lasted seconds while Benghazi lasted SEVEN long hours and Obama still couldn't be bothered!

He killed those poor people!