All Boards => Moved Hot Topics => Topic started by: BOBRI123 on 09 24, 12, 12:20:29:AM

Title: NFL has become all star wrestling !
Post by: BOBRI123 on 09 24, 12, 12:20:29:AM
The Replacement of the referee's with replacements has given the NFL all the credibility of wrestling !

BOB  RI   123

Title: Re: NFL has become all star wrestling !
Post by: Me_Beavis_U on 09 26, 12, 05:07:41:AM
As long as they do it all season, I have no problem with firing the Union refs.

A year will even things out.

Title: Re: NFL has become all star wrestling !
Post by: aesopsfable on 12 12, 12, 09:04:18:AM
Baseball, still the best sport out there.