All Boards => Moved Hot Topics => Topic started by: Jim on 09 19, 12, 04:35:35:AM

Title: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 19, 12, 04:35:35:AM
 Well, what do you know,  Someone who has the words to nail the Left with Spot-On accuracy.
 Once a liberal hollywood elite himself.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Me_Beavis_U on 09 19, 12, 05:09:15:AM

Modern liberals,,, what a catchy name for fucking communists.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: moneill16 on 09 19, 12, 05:21:18:AM
 President Has ‘To Work For Everyone’ (

Not just Rich like Republicans

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 19, 12, 05:27:41:AM
if the heritage foundation pays somebody to speak, you can be sure they have shit for brains.  like this guy.  who gives a damn what this punk says?  not all liberals think alike just like not all moderate republicans think alike, and right wing republicans and teabaggers don't think at all.   you pick the dumbest assholes to spotlight, little feller.  it shows how stupid you really are. 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: mudslinger on 09 19, 12, 05:31:13:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: mudslinger on 09 19, 12, 05:33:20:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 06:35:03:AM
Obama ‘I believe in redistribution’.
Americans in general actually have a fiercely independent streak a mile wide — I don’t think there are actually that many people who see themselves as long-term lovers of big government, expanding entitlement programs, and bureaucratic interference.
“We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends” Barack Obama.
The public was misled.
Can I sue?
Democratic Marxism is contrasted with a purely authoritarian system commonly used to define the terms of redistribution of wealth and state control.
Marxism is primarily an economic and social theory rather than a specific political system. Democratic Marxism is introducing these philosophic principles into a democratic system of government.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Oz on 09 19, 12, 06:37:58:AM
When a Candidate actually tells half of Americans they are lazy, shiftless, don't work,  do-nothings who think they are entitled to everything.... that's a little different than just exlaining how Mitt and his millionaire buddies think..... (

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 19, 12, 06:58:54:AM
what idiots you fuckers are.  you actually believe that crazy bullshit coming from the right wing blowhards you are addicted to.  obama is not a marxist...nobody is a marxist anymore, not even the chinese.  the closest to a marxist  country is north korea...and everybody with a brain believes in a graduated income is not only fairer, it is THE ONLY SYSTEM THAT CAN cuts for the rich never stimulates the economy.  never.  only when the vast majority of consumers, EVERYBODY BUT THE 2% RICH, have more discretionary income, does the economy get a boost from all the consumer spending...the rich already have everything they, houses, vacation houses, car elevators, show horses, etc etc.  given them even more discretionary income will not stimulate any extra spending....period.  we all know this, even you, if you could pull your head out of rush's ass.  since reagan cut taxes for the rich by 42%, the middle class in this country has almost been wiped out...we basically have just two economic classes, the rich and the working poor....

#1) The Top 1% Owns 40% of the Nation's Wealth:

Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz points out the richest 1% of Americans now own 40% of the nation's wealth. This disparity is much worse than it was in the past, as just 25 years ago the top 1% owned 33% of national wealth.

How much does the bottom 80% own? Only 7%.

#2) The Top 1% Take Home 24% of National Income:(this is why the income tax rate must be higher on the rich than others...otherwise we will not be able to spend almost half of all dollars spent on the military IN THE WHOLE WORLD)

While the richest 1% of Americans take home almost a quarter of national income today, in 1976 they took home just 9% -- meaning their share of the national income pool has nearly tripled in roughly three decades.

#3) The Top 1% Own Half of the Country's Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds: The Institute for Policy Studies illustrates this massive disparity in financial investment ownership, noting that the bottom 50% of Americans own only 0.5% of these investments.

#4) The Top 1% of Americans Have Only 5% of the Nation's Personal Debt:

Using 2007 figures, sociologist William Domhoff points out that the top 1% have 5% of the nation's personal debt while the bottom 90% have 73% of total debt.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 07:00:03:AM
Not all stupid remarks inflict fatal blows on their speaker. If they did Barack Obama would have died a thousand deaths by now.

Here are just a few of them:

I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.

I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.

The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person.

The private sector is doing fine.

In another fundraiser secretly taped by an attendee, a major-party nominee made the same mistake as Romney and offered some political analysis of why large numbers of voters were probably unreachable in an election.

That candidate was Barack Obama and his now-infamous bitter clinger remarks were not enough to unseat him. One slight difference is that the mainstream media covered for Obama (, on that occasion and numerous others since. It is a courtesy that they will not extend to candidate Romney. Yet as the president himself once observed, “the American people aren’t stupid.” (

There is also the matter of the unfinished business in the Muslim world (, which once again seems to be eroding Obama’s lead in the polls.

Game on!

Trackback URL (

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: LadyRavensWing on 09 19, 12, 07:11:17:AM
THIS PARTICULAR stupid remark spoken by "mitt the twit" has pretty much sealed "mitt the twit's" fate at being elected.. (

YUP, it's game on, but not for romney...  ( 

And the republican bullshitometer rolls on... (

LAFFIN~ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Dismissed... as always.. ( (

Ldy R.* (  (  ( 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Me_Beavis_U on 09 19, 12, 07:15:42:AM

Irrelevant and wrong, given today's news,

 Romney needs more 6.5 million dollar days like yesterday with comments that you say will down him.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 07:18:09:AM
Romney was recorded awhile back at a fundraiser, just like Obama’s infamous “bitter/clinger” comments in 2008. Remember how big that blew up? That’s how we ended up with President McCain.
The dirty little secret of most “controversial” political statements is that voters pay them little mind, especially when they’re preoccupied with bread-and-butter issues.
 Obama rolled the dice, believing that record government spending in peacetime would lead to job creation. No matter what the propagandists tell you, that has not happened.
 It comes down to three vital issues: the economy, the Muslim world and gas prices.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Me_Beavis_U on 09 19, 12, 07:30:12:AM
American have the attention span of a piss ant. That's why they need to run political ads every 5 minutes on TV

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: pacifica on 09 19, 12, 07:36:29:AM
Fantastic 47 minutes the speaker explains in great detail how Liberals twist good to evil,

distort evil as good

and support the proven fail record of Liberalism.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: mudslinger on 09 19, 12, 07:41:52:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jw2 on 09 19, 12, 07:54:51:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jw2 on 09 19, 12, 07:55:26:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 07:57:06:AM
The Missing Link in the Evolution of Barack Obama (;_ylu=X3oDMTE2dmI4aTluBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01TWUMwMDJfMTMx/SIG=12uehh9lf/EXP=1348084577/**http%3a//

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jw2 on 09 19, 12, 07:58:23:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 08:10:41:AM
Marx believed no "human nature" exists. Ergo, persons are malleable for state use. People are not made in God's image. Instead, human life arose accidentally. Humans are mere worker bees in the hive, who can be eliminated when not wanted or needed. Only the group matters. Marx was infatuated with science and Darwin's new theory of Evolution, seeing everywhere proof of godless survival of the fittest.
The lack of natural law theory, or democracy means Marxist governments essentially revived classical paganism. No person has any rights versus state action. The individual is nothing, the group everything. Politicians, and the state itself become gods, illustrated by the massive cults of personality all Marxist states erected.
Marx observed, "...all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice...the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce."
Marxism is an ideology of pure secular dogma, hermetically sealed as any religious creed. Marx considered his theories proved, by definition. Merely to question his ideas was a diabolical attack against Truth itself.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 19, 12, 08:11:20:AM
obama did say something about bitter conservatives clinging to their guns and religion, and then said, we need to do what we can to get them involved in the process and be on the same team....romney basically said fuck the 47%, we don't need them, we can't get them to vote for us anyway...

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jw2 on 09 19, 12, 08:11:56:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 19, 12, 08:14:50:AM
In April 2008, Obama spoke at a fundraiser in San Francisco. Here’s what he said, according to an audio recording ( published by the Huffington Post (

 "We’ve got a couple of folks who are heading out to Pennsylvania to go door to door with us. And the question was: What kinds of questions should I expect them to get? … The places where we are going to have to do the most work are the places where people feel most cynical about government. The people are misapprehend—I think they're misunderstanding why the demographics in our—in this contest have broken out as they are. Because everybody just ascribes it to “white working-class don't want to work—don't want to vote for the black guy.” That's—there were intimations of that, there was an article in the Sunday New York Times today that kind of implies that it's sort of a race thing. …

 "Here’s what it is: In a lot of these communities in big industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, people have been beaten down so long, they feel so betrayed by government, that when they hear a pitch that is premised on not being cynical about government, there’s a part of them that just doesn't buy it. And when it's delivered by—it is true that when it's delivered by a 46-year-old black man named Barack Obama, then that adds another layer of skepticism. (Audience laughs.)

 "But—so the questions you're most likely to get are going to be: 'Well, you know, what’s this guy going to do for me? What’s the concrete thing?' And what they want to hear is—you know, so we'll give you talking points about what we're proposing: to close tax loopholes and roll back, you know, the top—the tax cuts for the top 1 percent. Obama's going to give tax breaks to middle-class folks, and we're going to provide health care for every American. You know, we’ll have a series of talking points.

 "But the truth is that our challenge is to get people persuaded that we can make progress when there's no evidence of that in their daily lives. You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, Ohio—like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years, and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration and the Bush administration. And each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are going to regenerate. And they have not. So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, and they cling to guns or religion, or antipathy toward people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or, you know, anti-trade sentiment [as] a way to explain their frustrations."

He also advises the volunteers not to write off every voter who seems unreceptive. The tough reception, he suggests, might be just a “layer of skepticism,” a “part of them that just doesn't buy it.” Beneath that layer, the whole voter is more complicated.

In particular, Obama rejects the caricature of hostile white voters as racists. Instead of assuming that they just ”don’t want to vote for the black guy,” he asks his volunteers to focus on these voters’ economic concerns. He counsels empathy. “They feel so betrayed,” he says.

The whole thrust of Obama’s answer is persuasion. He calls guns-and-religion precincts “the places where we are going to have to do the most work.” He says “our challenge is to get people persuaded” in those neighborhoods. “The important thing,” he concludes, “is that you show up” and make the case, based on tax and health care policy.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 19, 12, 08:19:59:AM
compare the compassionate and positive thoughts of obama above to what romney said about the 47%

Now watch the video of Romney addressing Republican donors on May 17:

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right? There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement, and that government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. I mean, the president starts off with 48, 49—he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect.

"So he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean, that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the 5 to 10 percent in the center that are independents, that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not …"


Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 08:28:17:AM
Romney was recorded awhile back at a fundraiser, just like Obama’s infamous “bitter/clinger” comments in 2008. Remember how big that blew up? That’s how we ended up with President McCain.

The dirty little secret of most “controversial” political statements is that voters pay them little mind, especially when they’re preoccupied with bread-and-butter issues.

Obama rolled the dice, believing that record government spending in peacetime would lead to job creation. No matter what the propagandists tell you, that has not happened.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: mudslinger on 09 19, 12, 08:34:11:AM
75% of the people surveyed like Romney's 47% speech calling it truthful and accurate.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 09 19, 12, 08:36:51:AM
that was not a scientific poll, shit for brains.  it was like american idol, allowed anybody to answer as many times as they wanted...jerkwater, the cbo says it created 5 million much worse would the unemployment rate be, the economy in general if another 5 million people were out of work, idiot?  goddamn.  is it fixed?  no.  is it way much better than it was?  hell, fucking yeah, you stupid shit moron.  ALL CREDIT HAD DRIED UP.  WE WERE LOSING 754,000 JOBS A MONTH.  THE GDP WAS NEGATIVE FOR 3 STRAIGHT QUARTERS.  WE WERE IN THE SECOND LONGEST RECESSION IN HISTORY.  THE DOW HAD LOST HALF ITS VALUE THE LAST YEAR.  and you are saying obama caused it?  HE HAS HELPED US RECOVER AS FAST AS COULD BE HUMANLY EXPECTED CONSIDERING HOW BADLY BUSH AND THE REPUBS HAD FUCKED IT UP....

As the Washington Post reported, the House Budget Committee heard testimony from CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf to answer simple question: did the $787 (a third of which was for tax cuts) billion Obama stimulus work? Unfortunately for Republican propagandists, Elmendorf clearly refuted Mitt Romney's claim that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was "the largest one-time careless expenditure of government money in American history."

Under questioning from skeptical Republicans, the director of the nonpartisan (and widely respected) Congressional Budget Office was emphatic about the value of the 2009 stimulus. And, he said, the vast majority of economists agree.

In a survey conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 80 percent of economic experts agreed that, because of the stimulus, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been otherwise.
"Only 4 percent disagreed or strongly disagreed," CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf told the House Budget Committee. "That," he added, "is a distinct minority."
Not content with that response, Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp tried again. "Where did Washington mess up?" Huelskamp demanded. "Because you're saying most economists think it should've worked. It didn't." As the Post's Lori Montgomery detailed, Elmendorf drove home the point:
Most economists not only think it should have worked; they think it did work, Elmendorf replied. CBO's own analysis found that the package added as many as 3.3 million jobs to the economy during the second quarter of 2010, and may have prevented the nation from lapsing back into recession. Elmendorf's agency released its latest assessment of the stimulus just last week. And as the table below shows, at its peak in 2010 the ARRA added up to 3.3 million jobs, cut unemployment by as much as 1.8 percent and boosted GDP by up to 4.1 percent. (It's also worth noting that the CBO once again confirmed that aid to the states and purchases by the federal government delivers the biggest bang for the buck, while upper income tax cuts provide the least.)

Still, the Romney campaign remains determined to whitewash that message. As one Romney aide described President Obama's stimulus program, "He spent $800 billion of everybody's money. How'd it work out?"
As it turns out, it worked pretty well.
Sadly for the myth makers of Team Romney, the facts and the overwhelming consensus of economists - including John McCain's 2008 brain trust - prove otherwise. President Obama not only did not make the American economy worse; no thanks to obstructionist Republicans in Congress he saved the United States from "Great Depression 2.0" and put the nation on the path to recovery.

The proof starts, but certainly doesn't end with the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Despite Republican mythmaking that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) "created zero jobs," in November the CBO reported that the stimulus added up to 2.4 million jobs and boosted GDP by as much as 1.9 points in the previous quarter. As The Hill explained, the CBO has found that "President Obama's 2009 stimulus package continues to benefit the struggling economy":

The agency said the measure raised gross domestic product by between 0.3 and 1.9 percent in the third quarter of 2011, which ended Sept. 30. The Commerce Department said Tuesday that GDP in that quarter was only 2 percent total...

By CBO's numbers, the $800 billion stimulus added up to 0.9 million jobs in 2009, 3.3 million jobs in 2010 and 2.6 million jobs in 2011.
In February, the New York Times assessed the impact of the Obama stimulus and rebutted its Republican critics who looked instead to the UK for inspiration:
By comparison, despite criticism of its size and composition by both the right and the left, the stimulus by the Obama administration did add to jobs and growth. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates it will have contributed at least 1.6 million jobs and perhaps as many as 8.4 million by 2013.

This month, the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago surveyed a panel of economic experts of different political persuasions about the impact of the president's stimulus package: eight out of 10 said it had contributed to lower unemployment by the end of 2010. There was less consensus on whether its benefits would exceed its long-term costs, including higher taxes to pay for the spending. Still, when asked if the policy was worth it, four times as many economists agreed as disagreed.

Among those economists is Mark Zandi, who in 2008 served as an adviser to Republican John McCain. Federal intervention, he and Princeton economist Alan Blinder argued in August 2010, literally saved the United States from a second Great Depression. In "How the Great Recession Was Brought to an End," Blinder and Zandi's models confirmed the impact of the Obama recovery program and concluded that "laissez faire was not an option":

The effects of the fiscal stimulus alone appear very substantial, raising 2010 real GDP by about 3.4%, holding the unemployment rate about 1½ percentage points lower, and adding almost 2.7 million jobs to U.S. payrolls. These estimates of the fiscal impact are broadly consistent with those made by the CBO and the Obama administration. But their modeling also suggests that the totality of federal efforts to rescue the banking system dating back to the fall of 2008 prevented a catastrophic collapse:
We find that its effects on real GDP, jobs, and inflation are huge, and probably averted what could have been called Great Depression 2.0. For example, we estimate that, without the government's response, GDP in 2010 would be about 11.5% lower, payroll employment would be less by some 8½ million jobs, and the nation would now be experiencing deflation.
No, President Obama has not expanded government. He has not "made the economy worse." And as the CBO's Doug Elmendorf made very clear to disappointed House Republicans yesterday, the stimulus was not a failure.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: dont-blameme on 09 19, 12, 08:54:11:AM
Liberals hate it when somone exposes them for who and what they are and how they think and really feel about America.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: jst-the-fax on 09 19, 12, 08:55:03:AM
"It comes down to three vital issues: the economy, the Muslim world and gas prices"

the above (by sweetwater) sums it up in a nutshell! 

BTW...thanks jim

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: LadyRavensWing on 09 19, 12, 08:58:39:AM
The way Americans feel is that the republicans have AGAIN made TOTAL asses of themselves this close to the election... (


Their stupidity outweighs the wee amoeba sized brain cells...   (

THIS is what is costing you dumb repubs the election and everything else... (

You can't seem to get your story straight when you nominate wool headed fools like "mitt the twit." (

TRULY LAUGHABLE, republican clowns... (  (  ( ( ( ( 

dismissed... as always... ( (

Ldy R.*  (  (  ( 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jw2 on 09 19, 12, 09:11:18:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jw2 on 09 19, 12, 09:13:51:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 09:15:41:AM
The Missing Link in the Evolution of Barack Obama (;_ylu=X3oDMTE2dmI4aTluBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01TWUMwMDJfMTMx/SIG=12uehh9lf/EXP=1348084577/**http%3a//

Marx believed no "human nature" exists. Ergo, persons are malleable for state use. People are not made in God's image. Instead, human life arose accidentally. Humans are mere worker bees in the hive, who can be eliminated when not wanted or needed. Only the group matters. Marx was infatuated with science and Darwin's new theory of Evolution, seeing everywhere proof of godless survival of the fittest.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: LadyRavensWing on 09 19, 12, 09:22:04:AM
Nice try at bullshit, sweatydrawers, but the die has been cast and you repubs lose the game... (

Must suk to be you repub guys, but oh well... (


Laffin... ( ( ( ( ( (

Dismissed... ( (

Ldy R.* (  (  ( 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jw2 on 09 19, 12, 09:26:08:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: delurk on 09 19, 12, 10:06:48:AM
Modern liberals don't think...Their party thinks for them....

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: LadyRavensWing on 09 19, 12, 10:09:23:AM
Really, dejerk? (

With the election day being so near, you lying/whining loser repubs will say or do anything.., although, in "mitt the twit's" case, it won't help you... (

TRULY LAUGHABLE~~~~(  ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 

Dismissed.... ( (

Ldy R.*  (  (  ( 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 10:09:39:AM
Many agree that statism and Obama's marxism lite is a good thing.   Most do not, however and fortunately.   It goes against the founding principles of this nation.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: cathlab3 on 09 19, 12, 10:15:47:AM
Every time I see a thread count that is WAY up there I know it's Melinda or cassy  sending one liners a hundred times.
It's boring !  I wish Jim would put a stop to all this spamming .

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: cathlab3 on 09 19, 12, 10:16:52:AM
Dismissed.... ( (

NOPE Missed by a mile !( 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: lluke47 on 09 19, 12, 10:17:55:AM
oooozzzz blittered...When a Candidate actually tells half of Americans they are lazy, shiftless, don't work,  do-nothings who think they are entitled to everything.... that's a little different than just exlaining how Mitt and his millionaire buddies think.....

How is it different, it's the truth and idiots can't face the truth..But what Mitt said resonates with the American people, that's something Mitt said you parasites cannot change..

Modern liberals, that's a oxymoron

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: LadyRavensWing on 09 19, 12, 10:30:22:AM
And HERE'S lil liar/hypocrite llukey.... (

Another dull witted repub idiot that is desperate for Americans to believe the republican bullshit... (

But they don't.... (

LAFFIN~ ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Dismissed... ( (

Ldy R.*  (  (  ( 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: LadyRavensWing on 09 19, 12, 10:31:58:AM
Good day, cath.

Here for another political bashing or just passing through again? (

Jim won't do shit because i don't spam.... but i DO tell you lying repub bastards EXACTLY what you are... (

Dismissed... AGAIN.. as always... ( (

Ldy R.*  (  (  ( 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Me_Beavis_U on 09 19, 12, 10:34:21:AM


Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: LadyRavensWing on 09 19, 12, 10:35:47:AM
You WOULD say that, beavisbutthead.... (

You and the OTHER lying republicans' asses are on the line now, boy.. (

LAFFIN~~ ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Dismissed... ( (

Ldy R*  (  (  ( 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: mikefx on 09 19, 12, 10:39:43:AM
Romney, who criticizes President Obama for dividing the nation, divided the nation into two groups: the makers and the moochers. Forty-seven percent of the country, he said, are people “who are dependent upon government, who believe they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.”

This comment suggests a few things. First, it suggests that he really doesn’t know much about the country he inhabits. Who are these freeloaders? Is it the Iraq war veteran who goes to the V.A.? Is it the student getting a loan to go to college? Is it the retiree on Social Security or Medicare?   
It suggests that Romney doesn’t know much about the culture of America. Yes, the entitlement state has expanded, but America remains one of the hardest-working nations on earth. Americans work longer hours than just about anyone else.

The people who receive the disproportionate share of government spending are not big-government lovers. They are Republicans. They are senior citizens. They are white men with high school degrees. As Bill Galston of the Brookings Institution has noted, the people who have benefited from the entitlements explosion are middle-class workers, more so than the dependent poor.   
Romney’s comments also reveal that he has lost any sense of the social compact. In 1987, during Ronald Reagan’s second term, 62 percent of Republicans believed that the government has a responsibility to help those who can’t help themselves. Now, according to the Pew Research Center, only 40 percent of Republicans believe that.   
The Republican Party, and apparently Mitt Romney, too, has shifted over toward a much more hyperindividualistic and atomistic social view — from the Reaganesque language of common citizenship to the libertarian language of makers and takers. There’s no way the country will trust the Republican Party to reform the welfare state if that party doesn’t have a basic commitment to provide a safety net for those who suffer for no fault of their own.   

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: bhsgrad1972 on 09 19, 12, 10:52:32:AM
Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME something critical of the LEFT is posted, that the entire thread becomes nothing but a "troll-fest"?  Sorry, lefties, but you all do seem to be way more thin-skinned than those on the other side.

I could name names, but what's the use?

My point is that we are so divided over this upcoming election that civility has gone completely out the window.  It doesn't seem that ANYONE can debate ANYTHING without it descending into a lot of filthy name-calling and vile insults. 

So here's the deal:  I challenge EVERYONE on here to try, for ONE DAY, to refrain from filthy profane name-calling, vile insults and general all-around nastiness.  There are plenty of ways to defend YOUR POLITICAL VIEWPOINT without resorting to such lowlife tactics.

Any of you EVER read the writings of our Founding Fathers, during the early years of our country?  Believe me, there were differing views on just about everything, and they weren't shy about letting people know how they felt - but they did NOT use vile language in their writings.  It just wasn't done back then.  Yet they could verbally skewer their political opponents, and all without a single vile profane word.

So - can any of YOU ALL do the same?  Can YOU ALL make your point WITHOUT USING F-BOMBS, OR OTHER CURSE WORDS?

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: mikefx on 09 19, 12, 10:55:36:AM
bhsgrad.  You are so fucking right!!! ( (  Let's all the assholes on this board do like me and refrain from nasty bull shit talk ( (

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 11:01:00:AM
Romney, who criticizes President Obama for dividing the nation, divided the nation into two groups: the makers and the moochers. Forty-seven percent of the country, he said, are people “who are dependent upon government, who believe they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.”

Actually, he brought up a very important point in a private meeting that needs a national discussion.  A society dependent on government is a failed society yet Obama keeps pushing in that direction.   We need to find out why?

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: bhsgrad1972 on 09 19, 12, 11:12:06:AM
Well, THAT didn't take long, and once again, someone on the left shows that it's not possible to be civil.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: internetto on 09 19, 12, 11:44:38:AM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 11:55:22:AM
You right wing idiots need to take a good look in the mirror.  Because all the BS you throw out on this board about the liberals is nothing but a reflections of yourselves...

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: LadyRavensWing on 09 19, 12, 12:03:44:PM
TOO RIGHT, etc... ( 

LAFFIN~~ ( ( ( ( ( (

The repubs KNOW they have lost.... (
The wah wahs are just a lil too convenient these last days... (

Typical republican cry babies...( 

LAFFIN~~ ( ( ( ( ( (

Dismissed.... as always... ( (

Ldy R.*  (  (  ( 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: justincase on 09 19, 12, 12:06:10:PM

I am Irrelevant

Yes, you are. (

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 12:59:59:PM
Romney brought up a very important point in a private meeting that needs a national discussion. A society dependent on government is a failed society yet Obama keeps pushing in that direction.  We need to find out why?
No bs..  Just a fact.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 01:16:12:PM
(( We need to find out why? ))

Most Americans already know why.  It's the people who lack the intelligence, that have a problem of understanding the reasons why... 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Me_Beavis_U on 09 19, 12, 01:32:03:PM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jw2 on 09 19, 12, 01:54:00:PM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 02:04:25:PM
JW2, you get healthcare at the VA from when you served your country in the military.    Why are you whining?

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 02:21:47:PM
(( Why are you whining? ))

Why are the right wingers whining.  They have been whining for the last three and a half years now...

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: keno on 09 19, 12, 02:27:49:PM
jock washer,
I know you likely haven't heard, living in the Peoples Republic of Illinois, but McCarthy was right.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: keno on 09 19, 12, 02:43:37:PM
I see a lot of hatred of the speaker, but I have yet to see any of youse commies refute a single thing the man said.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Lttlbgft on 09 19, 12, 02:48:15:PM
I actually listened to just short of 1 half of this video and finally shut it off because it was evident that he was repeatedly right and wrong, all at the same time. I believe his interpretation of what makes liberals tick, is spot on. But lets face some other facts, shall we.. Regardless of why liberals protested the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, they were inevitably right, even if they're reasoning may have been wrong. I remember way back to the days of Excite when documents had been leaked that proved Bush knew there were no WMD in Iraq prior to invading. But he did it anyhow. And Ron Paul sometime ago pointed out that the war in Afghanistan was a waste of time, resources and lives because we should have simply sent in a crack team to get Bin Laden. And how did we get him, just a short time after Dr. Paul spoke these controversial word?? With a crack team and he wasn't in Afghanistan, was he?

The banking industry runs this nation and several others, including the UK. War is big money and the military industrial complex racks up record profits but NO ONE makes more than the banking industry, who've been a frequent financier of both sides of various conflicts. Not only have we lost thousands of young Americans in these two wars of aggression, that were fought for nothing, we've buried our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and probably our great, great grandchildren with a mountain of debt, further insuring that the banking industry will always own their very existence from the day they're born until the day they die.... Tell me, where is the nobility in that? Which one of you has the balls to try and defend this very truth??

In short, it comes down to a very basic reality and that is that both sides are wrong, that both sides are destroying this nation, that both sides are demanding our civil liberties be diminished or extinguished. It matters not what the particular pursuit of the individual is, whether it be liberal or so called conservative, to me. I, personally find you all guilty of conspiring to destroy the United States.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 02:55:16:PM
(( but I have yet to see any of youse commies refute a single thing the man said. ))

It's one man's opinion.  So what is there to refute.  With opinions, the only thing that happens is the innuendos, accusations,  profanity and name calling.  But to refute, it's just not in the cards...

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: keno on 09 19, 12, 03:09:36:PM
It's one man's opinion.  So what is there to refute. 
Opinions? LOL. Look around you, you leftist hack.
Maybe offer your own opinions to refute him, point by point, rather than just add your usual psycho babble.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 03:15:01:PM
Romney brought up a very important point in a private meeting that needs a national discussion. A society dependent on government is a failed society yet Obama keeps pushing in that direction. We need to find out why?

Posted by: Etc-ctE                        

(( We need to find out why? ))

Most Americans already know why. It's the people who lack the intelligence, that have a problem of understanding the reasons why...

Why do some, a minority, want a failed society dependent on government?   You did not answer?

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: bhsgrad1972 on 09 19, 12, 03:57:45:PM
sweetwater5s9, the libs WON'T answer that question - because they CAN'T answer it without knocking their beloved "Dear Leader".

keno, "psycho babble" is a very good way to describe it.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: lluke47 on 09 19, 12, 04:02:47:PM
The liberal nose pickers on here can't defnd the dismal failure cleric hussien obumba so all they have left is the vile and vulgar attacks against their betters..
In Nov we're going to drive that trash obumba back under his rock where his supporters live..

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 19, 12, 04:10:30:PM
 the libs WON'T answer that question - because they CAN'T answer it
Actually, they enjoy the handouts, imo...  They cannot see it coming to an sudden end.  It couldn't happen in the U.S., they think...  Guess again, it's coming... 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: bhsgrad1972 on 09 19, 12, 04:13:43:PM
sweewater5s9, you and I know that.  It would take some kind of magical major brain surgery to awaken the libs, however.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 04:18:24:PM
(( Why do some, a minority, want a failed society dependent on government?  You did not answer? ))

Well I have been on this board long enough to know that answering anything here is just offering fodder for the right wing idiots. 

Another thing I have noticed.  When facts are posted from either side.  Most of the replies come from the clueless..

And that is what makes this board so hilarious and fun to read.  If I want serious, I go to where the real information is...

OK right wing idiots, it's your turn to come back with your meaningless dribble... ( ( ( ( ( (   

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: dg9990 on 09 19, 12, 04:26:41:PM
Liberals support the freeloaders and parasites .................
................. and conservatives look out for tax-paying, working families ..............

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: lluke47 on 09 19, 12, 04:29:46:PM
Republicans support the Righteous
liberals support the evil

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: wmdn_bs on 09 19, 12, 04:37:35:PM
It is obvious that not a single right winger on this board has a clue how the modern liberal thinks. 80% of my right winged associates are incapable of independent thought, and the remaining 20% are drowning in red Kool-Ade.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 19, 12, 04:43:02:PM
There is NO fighting, and NO denying what this guy says.   And the proof is that the Left can't bear to listen to it all.
The Left really does believe America "Deserves" to be ruined. Because America is not "Perfect."
This is why they voted for Obama. Because he actually promised to ruin America.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: jst-the-fax on 09 19, 12, 04:46:48:PM
democrats believe in giving a handouts

Republicans believe in giving a helping hand

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: internetto on 09 19, 12, 04:47:57:PM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: wmdn_bs on 09 19, 12, 04:53:52:PM

There is NO fighting, and NO denying what this guy says.   And the proof is that the Left can't bear to listen to it all.

The Left really does believe America "Deserves" to be ruined. Because America is not "Perfect."
This is why they voted for Obama. Because he actually promised to ruin America.


Some retardlican's opinion is NOT fact. You do know the difference, don't you? If not, it wouldn't surprise me. So few of you do.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 05:00:53:PM
You do know that anything said/seen on this board has little to no value what's so ever...

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 19, 12, 05:11:38:PM
I implore everyone here on the Right to listen to this video several tinmes, and keep a link to it to listen to again. This guy explains the Left (capital L) to a Tee.  It explains why they think America deserves to be attacked, it explains why they condone everything from child promiscuity to killing baby's in the womb.  It explains why they hate others with a penny more than them.
Listen to it, save a youtube link.  Email the link to your list.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 05:29:12:PM
(( Listen to it, save a youtube link.  Email the link to your list. ))

Give us a meaningful reason why we should watch it, let alone watch it a second time...

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: chuck_curtis on 09 19, 12, 05:42:58:PM
Herd mentality in humans is not hard to understand.  It is the nature of the beasts.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: lluke47 on 09 19, 12, 06:03:41:PM
Some retardlican's opinion is NOT fact. You do know the difference, don't you? If not, it wouldn't surprise me. So few of you do.
According you, a liberal dumbass...LMAO..

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: darkflower on 09 19, 12, 06:13:50:PM
Judging from the comments from the right, which are predictably and completely wrong, and assuming they watched the video, the video has not helped them understand how modern liberals think at all. As is normal for the right wing, they just make things up about other people even how others think and then assume it to be the gospel, even when proven wrong.

So is that 47 minute video really worth even loading? It clearly has done nothing to educate the right, and as a lefty, I already know how I think and don't need some rightie trying to tell me what I think and claiming to know me even better than i know myself.

You do it to muslims too. How many times have I seen the claim that any muslim who is not a terrorist is not a true muslim? Nevermind the fact that sounds like the sort of propaganda you'd hear from alqueda yet it is coming from flag waving righties. It is arrogant in the extreme.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: darkflower on 09 19, 12, 06:47:56:PM
I gave him 20 minutes. The video is crap. He makes an interesting observation now and then but blows it with false assumptions and flawed logic.

Liberals not only believe in critical thought but trumpet it. Liberals do have ideas of truth, good, and beauty. Liberals do not support evil and tear down good.

One of his many false assumptions was everything he supports is good and that anybody who does not is therefore supporting evil. Even the Iraq war, opposing that war did not mean supporting saddam. But he assumes it does. Or on airport security, he completely glosses over the option of not treating anybody like a criminal, and he ignores quite a lot regarding profiling (the ease of terrorist simply not standing out as a muslim, the whole point of civil liberties and the 4th).

And while he goes on about children being indoctrinated he ignores how they are also indoctrinated by school and media to support the empire, for more so than to question it.

And what liberals seek regarding religion is not to wipe it out but for mutual respect of people to believe and live as they wish. The only thing liberals want gone are hard liners who insist on their way being law.

One history, liberals look at it as something to be improved on. That is the essense of making the world better, you improve on it. To say liberals reject everything that was ever thought is absurd.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: lluke47 on 09 19, 12, 06:48:54:PM
What's a modern liberal..? Are they even dumber than you older liberals..?

liberalism is a disease that rots everything it comes in contact with, no where has liberalism/socialism/communism been successful for hardworking people..

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: darkflower on 09 19, 12, 06:53:36:PM
Liberalism works fine. The failure is letting the banksters and wall street take over and screw over the working class.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: lluke47 on 09 19, 12, 06:57:34:PM
Unbelievable, how is liberalism working today in America...people out of work, losing their homes, their savings, their families the muslims killing Americans cause they want to and are being helped by the pos muslim in the WH..
liberalism sucks

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 19, 12, 07:21:39:PM
The Modern Liberal foot soldier believes:

That One persons success indicates Someone else must have been cheated.

That their failure is not their fault, its the failt of those who succeeded in their place.

That Success, itself, is proof positive of a likelihood of cheating and bigotry.

That Failure, by itself, is proof positive that someone has been "Victimized."

That more Entitlements mean "something free for ME, and I'll worry about who pays for it - later."
That America has earned being attacked.
That American people have earned being hated.
That Christians behead as many people as Islamic Terrorists, so they are one and the same.
That children should know everything about sex because it protects them.
That having sex with whomever, or whatever they want, indicates nothing of the society's values or morals system.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: pacifica on 09 19, 12, 07:22:51:PM
Evan Sayet does call it right - calls it correctly for those of you in rio linda - it's why the left

...This guy explains the Left (capital L) to a Tee.  It explains why they think America deserves to be attacked, it explains why they condone everything from child promiscuity to killing baby's in the womb.  It explains why they hate others with a penny more than them.

Listen to it, save a youtube link.  Email the link to your list.

Liberal policy's have destroyed the state of California and the country - our finances, future, businesses, education, the economy- you name it


The liberal mentality seeks to destroy all that is good - from our founding framers - to God, family, the Boy Scouts - even the singing of Christmas songs.

Liberal mentality hates self-sufficiency and strong economies---- and encourages dependence and BIG GOV

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: darkflower on 09 19, 12, 08:15:40:PM

No wonder you people are so hateful. You don't know the first thing about anybody else.

And Greece was not brought down by liberals, it was brought down by banksters. And yes, you are still headed in the direction, the banksters still have this country and its people in their cross hairs. It is amazing how you can blame everybody BUT the ones actually behind the collapse.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 19, 12, 08:25:14:PM
No wonder you people are so hateful.
Decscribe how "we" are Hateful, and you are not.
Are we hateful because we want to protect our country?
because we want to protect our children from promescuity?
because we want to protect the unborn baby?
because we want to protect our society from immoral behaviour?
Explain how "we" are the hateful ones, and you who support the above and believe our country deserved being attacked; are not....

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 19, 12, 08:31:30:PM
It is amazing how you can blame everybody BUT the ones actually behind the collapse.

President Bush attempted to warn Congress over and over about Freddie and Fannie, to no avail.
They refused to listen to a "Republican". The Democrat Congress refuse to hear a single word.

See for yourself here: (,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=fcb93d6e73913fbb&biw=1307&bih=821)

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: internetto on 09 19, 12, 09:07:41:PM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: stretch351c on 09 19, 12, 09:28:00:PM
Greece, as well as the rest of Europe, is being brought down by the policies of Liberalism. The belief that the State is the ultimate provider of all things, collectivism, the reduction of individuality for the purpose of promoting the "common good".

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: darkflower on 09 19, 12, 09:30:31:PM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: stretch351c on 09 19, 12, 09:34:13:PM
No, truth.  Liberalism has ruled Europe for many decades now, and destroyed it as it, is doing here.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: darkflower on 09 19, 12, 09:44:52:PM
Private banks weaseled their way in there and made risky bets like they did here, and brought them did like they brought down this country. The only question is did the banks intend to do that or were they simply irresponsible in their drive for profit at any cost?

You keep blaming the wrong people.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 09:52:15:PM
(( You keep blaming the wrong people. ))

That is because THEY have no clue as to who the right people are.  And to show their ignorance, they just blame Obama or the liberals even though they had nothing to do with it...

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: stretch351c on 09 19, 12, 09:54:35:PM
No, I'm putting the blame squarely where it belongs, on a political ideology that belives that government is the only way to solve problems. Liberalism's emphasis on a large central government reduces the individual drive to excel because it punishes achievement. Liberalism believes in equal outcomes,whereas Conservatism believes in equal opprotunity. Despite everything Liberals believe in, you can't legislate prosperity.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: internetto on 09 19, 12, 09:55:45:PM

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: duke_john on 09 19, 12, 09:58:23:PM
Finally, we're getting something approaching an intelligent response from internetto.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: doodle-mcvee on 09 19, 12, 10:14:31:PM
Judging by the response of the liberals - the video is 100% accurate.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 10:19:35:PM
Judging by Stretch's last post, He hasn't a clue what Liberalism means.

Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis)[1] is a broad political ideology or worldview founded on the ideas of liberty and equality.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as capitalism (either regulated or not), constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free press, free and fair elections, human rights and the free exercise of religion.

A twenty-first century development is an emerging new liberalism that is centered on the concept of timeless freedom (ensuring the freedom of future generations through proactive action taken today).[ 

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: stretch351c on 09 19, 12, 10:26:18:PM
You are the one without a clue Etc. Liberalism is a disease. One that is finally being removed from this once great country. It is nothing more than Communism lite.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 10:37:45:PM
Ohh I'm sure you and your right winger  buddies have your own definitions.  But the real definition I posted, is the real one, straight from the encyclopedia...

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 19, 12, 10:48:55:PM
Ohh I'm sure you and your right winger  buddies have your own definitions.  But the real definition I posted, is the real one, straight from the encyclopedia...
Yes, and we happen to know there can be several meaning to the same thing. But you never think out of the box, so how are you to know?
Airplane: A machine that flies in the air. Usually used for transportation.
Reality:   A Machine that has been known to fly into buildings, explode in midflight, or crash into the ground, killing all on board, and whoever is in its path.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 19, 12, 10:51:30:PM
Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis)[1] is a broad political ideology or worldview founded on the ideas of liberty and equality.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as capitalism (either regulated or not), constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free press, free and fair elections, human rights and the free exercise of religion.

Modern Reality:   The Modern Liberal believes:

That One persons success indicates Someone else must have been cheated.

That their failure is not their fault, its the failt of those who succeeded in their place.

That Success, itself, is proof positive of a likelihood of cheating and bigotry.

That Failure, by itself, is proof positive that someone has been "Victimized."

That more Entitlements mean "something free for ME, and I'll worry about who pays for it - later."

That America has earned being attacked.

That American people have earned being hated.

That Christians behead as many people as Islamic Terrorists, so they are one and the same.

That children should know everything about sex because it protects them.

That having sex with whomever, or whatever they want, indicates nothing of the society's values or morals system.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: justincase on 09 19, 12, 11:00:01:PM
Modern Reality:   The Modern Liberal believes:

That One persons success indicates Someone else must have been cheated. I don't believe that.

That their failure is not their fault, its the failt of those who succeeded in their place. I don't believe that.

That Success, itself, is proof positive of a likelihood of cheating and bigotry. I don't believe that

That Failure, by itself, is proof positive that someone has been "Victimized." I don't believe that.

That more Entitlements mean "something free for ME, and I'll worry about who pays for it - later." I don't believe that.

That America has earned being attacked. I don't believe that.

That American people have earned being hated. I don't believe that.

That Christians behead as many people as Islamic Terrorists, so they are one and the same. I don't believe that.

That children should know everything about sex because it protects them. What do you mean by children?  Knowledge is power.

That having sex with whomever, or whatever they want, indicates nothing of the society's values or morals system. I don't believe that.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 11:29:22:PM
 (( I don't believe that. ))

Nor do I justin... (

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Amazed on 09 19, 12, 11:30:02:PM
The Modern Dumbass thinks:

He can figure out what a group of people believes by watching some stupid right wing video and then thinks hard to imagine what it is in their heads. It would Never EVER occur to him to  actually ask someone what they they think. Then  he makes a post to tell people what they think and believe and nothing anyone says can get him to think different.

On top of all that, this dumbass actually thinks he's smart (

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Etc-ctE on 09 19, 12, 11:45:33:PM
Hey Jim ~~ Seing as how you decided to leave this post on top all day.  I'll post an off topic question to you..

Are you to embarrassed to show yourself.  I noticed when your posting your ummmm remarks.  You show up off line in the members list, while everyone else who is online show they are online... 

jus wondrin... (   

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Amazed on 09 19, 12, 11:48:49:PM
This idiotic thread is going to be moved to jim's all time greatest threads section (

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: darkflower on 09 20, 12, 12:21:43:AM
on a political ideology that belives that government is the only way to solve problems.

Not true. It is but one way. For some problems it works. But not for all problems.

Liberalism's emphasis on a large central government

Not true. There are problems with a large government with too much power, namely it gets corrupted by that power. Admittedly that is a lesson liberals need to take to heart. And neocons love powerful government but for killing and restricting rights rather than for protecting them. Wars and patriot act and tsa are some examples.

reduces the individual drive to excel because it punishes achievement.

That depends on how you define achievement and on how you define punish. Being rich is not an achievement, it is a gift. And taxes are not a punishment and the rich are not even taxed all that much more than anybody else. The overall tax burden in this country is not a flat rate but it is dang close to a flat rate, barely any progressive tax at all after you factor in all taxes and not just federal income taxes.

Liberalism believes in equal outcomes,

Equal pay for equal work? Of course. If you work hard, you should not make a pittance compared to one who does not work any harder or worse, does not even work at all.

whereas Conservatism believes in equal opprotunity.

Equal opportunity is a myth. And opportunity to do what? Be one of the exploiters? Even if there were equal opportunity, having a 1% chance of joining those who live off the work of others, which is what the rich do, is a pretty bad deal.

Despite everything Liberals believe in, you can't legislate prosperity.

You can legislate fixes. You can legislate the framework.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 20, 12, 12:25:38:AM
That One persons success indicates Someone else must have been cheated.
I don't believe that.
That their failure is not their fault, its the failt of those who succeeded in their place. I don't believe that.
That Success, itself, is proof positive of a likelihood of cheating and bigotry. I don't believe that
That Failure, by itself, is proof positive that someone has been "Victimized." I don't believe that.
That more Entitlements mean "something free for ME, and I'll worry about who pays for it - later." I don't believe that.
That America has earned being attacked. I don't believe that.
That American people have earned being hated. I don't believe that.
That Christians behead as many people as Islamic Terrorists, so they are one and the same. I don't believe that.
That children should know everything about sex because it protects them. What do you mean by children?  Knowledge is power.
That having sex with whomever, or whatever they want, indicates nothing of the society's values or morals system. I don't believe that.


Well isn't this a surprising development. After nearly four years of arguing back and forth over these exact topics, suddenly, you no longer agree you think this way, and have argued venomously in favor of each one.   

Did I say something to embarrass you away from that mindset?  If so, please tell so I can spread it further!

Mind you; I'm glad you've changed your views (both of you), but you will forgive me if I simply don't believe it, and fully expect you both to be arguing the points again tomorrow... :- )

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 20, 12, 12:29:09:AM
On top of all that, this dumbass actually thinks he's smart

And now you suddenly realize "this dumbass(" (you), are not... :- )

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Amazed on 09 20, 12, 12:31:21:AM
wow jim, what a comeback LOL

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: lluke47 on 09 20, 12, 12:32:41:AM
I have never seen, nor heard or talked to an intelligent liberal...(

Jim............. 1

2liberals..... 0

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 20, 12, 12:40:08:AM
Are you to embarrassed to show yourself.  I noticed when your posting your ummmm remarks.  You show up off line in the members list, while everyone else who is online show they are online... 

I show up "offline" when working in the Admin section too... Sometimes I'm lurking, mostly I'm not.  Usually I'm just cleaning the database, or tracking those attempting to register for nefarious reasons.  If I showed up "online" then you might get upset if I didn't answer a post, when I was likely not in that area at all. Then you might think I was just avoiding you.  And I don't do that.  :- )
I'm no different than anyone else. I will pop in to post a message or see whats going on. Then wait a few moments to see if anyone responds, then leave to do others things.
And right now, I'm outta here again. I need to measure a bedroom closet that my son and I are remodeling so we can buy the materials tomorrow..

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: Jim on 09 20, 12, 12:41:02:AM
This idiotic thread is going to be moved to jim's all time greatest threads section
Not so idiotic when it goes over 100 replies - is it, moron?

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: internetto on 09 20, 12, 02:18:57:AM
Is too.


Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: fun n games on 09 20, 12, 03:46:47:AM
Watchint the video and
Reading this post was a complete waste oftime.  I learned nothing that I didn't know before that assopsreteat is a pile of sh.

Title: Re: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Post by: duke_john on 09 20, 12, 05:27:50:AM
True, f&g, we have too many liberal trolls here.